Chapter 61: Rashard and Moony

On getting home, after everyone had alighted from the carriage, welcomed by the house servants, Sahana easily spotted the carriage her father and stepmother had separately taken out, which signified that there were back and were probably having lunch and were most likely halfway done,

"Thanks, Farra," she said to her knight as she saw him about to walk away the moment he helped her get down from the carriage,

"It's no problem, Lady Sahana," he replied before suddenly turning around and whispering, almost in her ear in a way that even Ophelia who stood beside her wouldn't be able to hear,

"Don't mention that both of them are from Whitehall, I'll explain the reason why later," he whispered to her as Sahana automatically nodded her head, intending to follow his advice since he seemed to know something she didn't,

Farra then left and went his way most likely to the knight's building where her father's knights lived and trained,