Chapter 83: Things we don't know

Run! That was the first thing that came to her mind. To flee, as fast as she could. To raise her bruised body off the floor or at least try to fight back. Mia Lin would have given her other leg, the one that wasn't broken to go back to the day and time she decided to take this particular alleyway. Face down, she bled from various cuts on her skin. Groaning in pain, she looked up to see the three men who had surrounded her, watch her with both hunger and lust.

She had seen men like them on her outings with mother. They mostly belonged to the dark order. During the wee hours of the morning and right before sunset, you could see them prowling the street waiting to relieve unsuspecting citizens of their hard earned money amongst other things. If she had known she would one day cross paths with them, she would not have gone out today.