Chapter 88: Can I take the test Again?

"What do you mean by you don't know?" Jin asked patiently getting up on his feet and dusting off any dirt that might have decided to stick to his clothes overnight,

"Yeah, didn't you see her when you woke up?" Hawna added as he also got up from the ground before helping Sasha stand up,

" Yeah...I mean no, I didn't SEE her when I woke up," Mada said emphasizing and stressing the word "see".

" At first, I thought that she might have gone to the ladies loo but then..."

"Ladies Loo?" Sasha asked interrupting, smiling as she did so finding Mada's choice of words to be somehow funny,

" You know what I mean Sasha," Replied Mada in an exasperated manner.

" Really? Because I have no idea what that means. Why don't you explain it to me? " Sasha then asked with a serious expression on her face teasing him since she knew the kind of things he liked to avoid,