Chapter 115: The love of Money is The Beginning of Wisdom

"Really?" Mada asked surprised that Lienda would care enough to come up with such a solution, usually he waited for a few days for Sasha's anger to subside before making a move,

"How sure are you that it's going to work? You don't know Sasha like I do," he said shaking his head at Lienda convinced that Sasha most likely needed more time to herself,

"Seriously...How sure are you that it isn't," she fired right back, still annoyed that she had to first help with his love life before anything else,

Not bothering to open the packet of food that he had been given by Lienda, but instead, he stood up picking up and carrying his bag with him as he went towards Sasha who was sitting beside Hawna and had been busy eating her food,

The moment she saw Mada coming after talking to the girl Mage, Sasha couldn't help but wrinkle her forehead together as she wondered why Mada was walking towards her,