Chapter 119: Unorganized Plans

The wall remained intact, as not a single rock fell off it. None of them felt any ground shaking sounds of the earth caving in on the other side of the wall nor any sounds for that manner,

Jon watched all their faces as they spotted different look of confusion and like always Mada was the first to throw a question in the air,

"Has anything happened or is it supposed to take this long? " he asked curious enough to go check it himself and only held back because the maker and the owner of the ball that had been through into the opposite side of the wall was still standing beside him,

"Of course it happened the moment the ball dropped on the floor," Jin said slightly annoyed that Mada was unknowingly hinting at his incompetence,

"Let's all check it out," he then said leading the way as he walked in front only to glance back to see everyone else but Mada still waiting behind the rock, they had all been hiding behind,