Chapter 150: A life Reset

Pionder walked behind him, as Valymi walked slowly reaching the raised platform in front of the students in no time,

With the sounds of his walking stick clicking against the ground as he walked, the students became silent with not a single word spoken among them as they watched an old man go to stand in the middle in front of them, right in the center, while Pionder stood beside him,

As she did, she couldn't help but hope that Valymi didn't say any of his usual weird things in his encouragement speech to the first-year students,

Tapping his silver-laid walking stick against the ground twice, as a signal to the instructors who were already inside the hall and standing at various corners of the hall unseen to the students to show themselves,

Fazing into existence all the first-years were shocked to suddenly see their instructors appear at the same time in front of them,