Strong X offense

   After a while, Secretary Wang walked down with two thick books.

   "Come on, this is our textbook. Go back and read it. I will take the test in two days!"

   "Then what?" Su Li asked.

   "What then?" Secretary Wang said with a surprised look, "Have you finished reading this book? Just tell me then?"

   Su Li: "..."

   What a professional training, it is really "professional"!


   Ten minutes later, Su Li and Xia Ke walked out of the detective bureau alone holding a large printed book.

   "It's not too early today, I'll take you back!" Su Li said to Xia Ke.

   "Huh? Go back now? It's only a little over half past eight..." Xia Ke said reluctantly.

   "Well, that's good, let's live outside tonight!" Su Li said fluently.

   Xia Ke: "..."

   In the end, Xia Ke still did not agree to Su Li's proposal to live outside, and obediently asked Su Li to send her back.


   After half an hour——

   Outside of Xia Ke's house, Xia Ke gently touched her lips, looking at Su Li who was going further and further, a little confused.

   "See you in class tomorrow!"

   Xia Ke sent a message to Su Li on his mobile phone.


   Su Li quickly replied. Although there was only a simple "OK", Xia Ke was still very happy to see this OK and went home with her mobile phone!


the other side.

   Su Li put down the phone and shook his head helplessly.

  My girlfriend is too sticky...He finally knows why Zheng Hongyu didn't go back to the dorm all day long before!

   While thinking about this, Su Li walked towards the dormitory without Xia Ke on the side. Su Li walked several times faster, so in less than ten minutes, he walked near Tunghai University.

at this time--


   Su Li suddenly heard an exclamation of Ruoyouruwu.

   The voice is very small. If it weren't for Su Li's unusual hearing, he would never have caught this exclamation in a bustling environment.

   It sounds like someone is committing a crime, or is it a crime against a girl, is it the legendary strong X offender?

   Su Li subconsciously flashed this thought in his mind.

   The next moment, Su Li followed the source of the sound, turned and walked in another direction.

   Whether it was out of humane care or curiosity, Su Li decided to take a look.

  . . . . . .

   After a while, Su Li quietly came to a dark alley.

   In the darkness, Su Li vaguely saw a fat figure inside.

   No, it might be two people stacked together.

   Perhaps the strong X criminal has already begun to act?

   Thinking of a certain possibility, Su Li stopped hesitating and walked over directly.

   Su Li walked without making a sound, he walked directly behind the "fat" figure, patted him on the shoulder, and asked

   "Hey, brother, what are you doing?"

   The figure trembled, and then he slowly turned his head, revealing a face that was scary enough.

  'S face was pale without the slightest blood, and a pair of pointed fangs were exposed, living like a vampire.

   After seeing Su Li's appearance, this figure didn't have the slightest politeness, and took a step forward. A pair of fangs rushed towards Su Li's neck and stunned.

   Obviously, he regarded Su Li as a passer-by who accidentally discovered an abnormality here.

   "Fuck, what the hell?" Su Li only felt a little sick, and then subconsciously slapped him.


   The figure flew out without any resistance, and then slammed heavily on one side of the wall. There was no movement in an instant.

   Su Li: "..."

   Looking at the figure lying motionless on the ground, Su Li fell into silence.

   MMP, this is not a primordial star, I'm used to this slap!

   "I killed someone in the real world? I still want to be a good citizen!" Su Li glanced at his right hand, a little speechless.

   "However, this guy seems to be committing a crime, should I not break the law?" Su Li thought about this, turned around, and looked at the place where the figure was staying. Sure enough, there was a comatose girl there.

   But judging from the girl's even breathing, she is nothing serious, and 80% of them are fainted!

"this is..."

   Su Li felt that the unconscious girl was a little familiar. He thought about it for a moment, and then suddenly clapped his hands-"This is Wang Mingming!"


   An hour later, a shiny black Audi stopped outside this alley, and two slender figures walked out of the Audi one after another.

   "Director Ye, Secretary Wang, here!" In the small alley, Su Li, who was "wounded", waved to the two of them.

   "Su Li, who are you talking about?"

   After the two came over, Secretary Wang of UU Read asked directly.

   "There!" Su Li pointed to the figure in the corner.

   Ye Mohan and Secretary Wang turned their heads and glanced, then they were stunned.

   It is a humanoid object with a translucent long sword pierced all over its body, and it can barely be seen that it was a person.

   "Secretary Wang, this guy is a super power, and he wants to make X girls better. If I didn't meet him, he would have succeeded!" Su Li said with an innocent look.

   "Even if he wanted to kill me, he would have succeeded if it weren't for my fierce resistance!"

   "However, thanks to my slightly better strength, I solved this guy!"

   "By the way, I am now a member of the detective bureau. I should be regarded as accidentally killing this guy in law enforcement? I'm not breaking the law, and I won't go to jail, right?"

   "Also, I found that my super powers are really strong. Although I was a sneak attack, that guy seems to be higher than me..."


   Secretary Wang heard a few words from Su Li at first, but after a while, she became impatient and drove Su Li aside. It is true that Su Li is talking too much now.

   Secretary Wang thinks she is also well-informed. She has seen the first time a murderer has vomited, and her whole body is trembling and even excited, but like Su Li has become a silly talk...enmmmmmm

   It was Ye Mohan. She had been listening to Su Li's nagging, with a look of interest on her face.

   It's just that she hasn't had a big expression on her face, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

   However, neither Secretary Wang nor Ye Mohan affected Su Li's "performance", he was still talking in Taotao...