(Chapter 113) Ticking Along

"Here are the reports for the week Miss." Winoa often found herself in Lewis's office nowadays to report to Astrid. Not that it was an issue, but sometimes she was given some views she just didn't want to see.

Like now, even around lunchtime the two were sitting in each other's embrace doing their respective work. Even Viviano was given a sight earlier, and see received the same thing.

Astrid took the stack of papers and looked over the documents. While Winoa stood at attention.

Lewis leaned over and read some of the papers with Astrid, seeing the vast amount of numbers and calculations made, he raised his eyebrow.

"Impressive." Lewis mumbled loud enough for Astrid to hear.

"What is?" Astrid asked as she turned to look at her personal pillow with a gentle smile on her face.

"Mm, are these calculations exact?" Lewis didn't reply, but instead asked Winoa a question.

"Yes they are." Winoa responded to Lewis with the same respect she shows Astrid.

"You already make more money than me... I don't know how to feel about it." Lewis said with a smile, only love and affection in his eyes while looking at Astrid.

Astrid coughed slightly. "Maybe... But you do know that I wasn't exactly clean in how I got these shares... You are much better at business, I just have an unfair advantage." Astrid replied softly.

She felt like that was the truth, Lewis didn't do any of the things she did to get shares, nor did he know any advantages of future technology in the time zone. So she did have an unfair advantage.

Lewis just shook his head lightly, he wouldn't say it, but he felt Astrid put herself down sometimes.

Winoa didn't say a word but just watched the interaction between the two big bosses. She knew what Astrid did best, but it looked like both of them were quite happy despite the differences between them both... So she was happy for them.

"Anyways... How is the extended project coming along?" Astrid put down the papers, and asked Winoa what she really was interested in.

Lewis also looked at Winoa, waiting for her answer... Since he very much agreed with what Astrid wanted to do.

Feeling the pressure from the two big bosses, Winoa smiled. "It's going well. Construction planning has gone through in most places, there should be a more detailed report by Christmas." Winoa spoke smoothly in response to the question.

Astrid smiled and nodded. Evidently pleased with the progress. While Lewis suddenly thought if he should have planned something like this sooner or not...

The 'extended project' was only the construction of multiple mansions around the world for both Astrid and Lewis to live. Both were taking the brunt of payments and cost of land, since both can afford it, and they both were very happy to invest in such a thing.

But Winoa felt a little awkward inwardly, she had some knowledge on how the two of them acted alone... And wondered if she would ever see them out of their mansions again...

Winoa took her leave after doing her job, Astrid then got a call from Stephan and answered it...

"Young Miss, the Boss has confirmed the people coming to the banquet, shall the plan continue?" Stephan was also very respectful on the phone. Not only because of her identity as the daughter of his boss, but also because of the position she has in Hanxi and many others...

Astrid leaned into Lewis and smiled. "Yes, make sure the media get in. Use Francesca's presence at the banquet to make some noise... Also use the Guilliano family, since they have gone a little more public due to the Old Master, make sure people hear about it across the world." Astrid responded after looking at Lewis.

Stephan acknowledged the plan and continued preparations. While Lewis was left thinking something he felt before...

"Penny for your thoughts?" Astrid asked with a giggle seeing Lewis spacing out looking at her face.

Lewis smiled and shook his head. "Not really... I said to my grandfather I had a girlfriend but he didn't react the way I thought he would." Lewis wouldn't say what was really in his mind. Which was, 'I think grandfather seems certain on the arranged marriage he has thought up for me...'

Astrid just chuckled. She remembered that her father played with the Old Master for some reason, but even Lewis didn't know...

"Don't worry about it, just believe in your... Girlfriend." Astrid smiled as she stood up suddenly.

Lewis saw her stand with some confusion in his eyes. "And your girlfriend is hungry, Isn't it basic etiquette for a boyfriend to pay for a meal?" And then Lewis laughed.

"Haha, it is! Come on, I've got a place in mind." Lewis was very happy, especially seeing Astrid talk about their relationship with a casual and blissful smile on her face.

He felt Astrid was getting even more beautiful by the day. He just couldn't get enough of her, especially when they would spend the day sitting together in comfort, he loved how hard she worked but also wished she wouldn't overwork herself...

He was quite determined to set done some ground rules in the future... In the future at least, for now, they needed to be in the same house...


Francesca woke up with butterflies in her stomach, as she stretched on the bed, she remembered what happened last night.

She blushed and put her hands over her face. "Gosh, I didn't know he felt that way." She was now acting like a teenage girl with her first crush...

At first she was a little interested in Leone, but after getting to know him, she cooled off. She felt he was too invested in being like his 'big brother' and instead ignored what he could do.

So then she concentrated on her acting instead. Making a massive name for herself in order to follow her dreams. But along the way, Leone also found his dreams. And whenever they ate together sometimes... She enjoyed it.

She felt he was dense and a little dumb. But when she placed her finger on her lips, she once again felt a flush on her face.

"Thank god dad got home." Francesca could only sigh in relief. The Leone from last night seemed to be enlightened, and she couldn't handle such a sudden change in their relationship just yet...

Francesca then remembered something very important... Her manager! She frantically looked for her phone, until she found it under her bed.

She saw the many missed calls and messages and felt a little bad. She was sure the Little Assistant had told him she was hurt and then she ignored him for a while.

"I'm fine, I just fell asleep when I got home. I'll send over the doctor's report now." Francesca text her manager, she knew he would know what to do with the information...

And that he did, because within 2 hours the career of Louise O'blanc was put into jeopardy, as video footage of her bad acting, poor attitude, and her injuring Francesca on purpose flew on to the internet...


"Remove the headlines now! I don't care how much it costs! Get it done!" Owen O'blanc, Louise's uncle. Shouted at his assistant in a rage.

The man was in his early 40's and was quite gentlemanly in public, hence why he was a very sort after male companion for women. As the boss for an entertainment company, he also had certain connections that others would die for...

But today, his was irate, his beautiful niece was put under fire of the public! Her acting, attitude, and intentional injury were all exposed, along with other dealings she had done in the past...

His assistant shivered. "But boss... We can't get into contact with Auxil to remove the search." His speech was as quiet as a mosquito...

Owen slammed his desk in anger. "I don't care! I'll make the call personally, how is it on Samual's end?"

"M-Mr Samual can't get any contact either... We used all of our possible PR (Public relations) to counteract the issue... B-But nothing has been achieved." The assistant didn't dare look up at his boss.

Owen felt his hands itch. Who was daring to strike his niece's career down? He then stood up and picked up his phone. "But out as many accounts as you need! The PR section doesn't need me to tell them what to do." The assistant last heard, before slam was heard.

"But boss... Auxil doesn't deal with anyone in regards to searches, it is within the general publics' control..." The assistant spoke up to nobody, as a sigh left his mouth.