Chapter 1

The morning started like any other. Hikari forced herself out of bed and ate a simple breakfast alone at the dining table. She put on her school uniform, taking the time to straighten out the details in the mirror. The weather outside was comfortably warm, which was why she chose to just wear her navy vest over her white shirt. She fiddled with the edge of her light grey skirt and adjusted the red bow around her neck. Hikari took a moment to glance at the time. Her clock told her she was right on schedule, so she completed her morning ritual and took a moment to send a good morning email to her parents. Even though they were usually gone on business trips overseas, it was still part of her routine to email them at some point during the week in order to check-in.

With that done, she grabbed the lunch she fixed herself the night before and mumbled her usual goodbyes to the empty apartment. Once her trademark angelic smile was in place, she made her way to Namishima Academy. The awed whispers of her fellow students were ignored as she passed through the school gates; she didn't need to hear the latest gossip on how doll-like and perfect she appeared. The comments were the same a week ago when the school year started, and she wasn't expecting them to change anytime soon. Her classes went by in a blur of instructions and lectures until finally, it was time for lunch. As usual, Hikari and her friends ate their lunches in the classroom, and honestly, the day would have continued on like any other had her nasty little habit not flared up.

Things started normally enough. Miro, an ex-athlete with a quick mouth and even quicker temper, sat next to her sweetheart boyfriend Ren. The other two members of their group, Sakura and Nanami, took their usual seats next to each other. Miro spent most of their time together chattering on about how well she and Ren's relationship was going and how sweet he was to her. Said boyfriend was the only male at the collection of desks, and the embarrassed look on his face was beginning to slip into mild mortification the longer she talked. Hikari knew that Miro never went into long spiels about any topic unless she was building up to something. Mentally sighing, Hikari smiled and nodded with the rest of the group while she waited for the other shoe to drop. She didn't have to wait long.

"Say Hikari," Miro gasped as if the thought just occurred to her and wasn't the nerve she wanted to poke at, "maybe we should work on finding you a boyfriend. You're the only person in the group who isn't dating. I'm sure we could find you a cute guy to go out with; there are plenty of willing candidates anyways."

The smile on Miro's face implied innocent intentions, but Hikari saw the hidden glee in her eyes. As far as Hikari was concerned, Miro was always looking for ways to outshine her. Calling the shorter girl a friend of Hikari's was a bit of a stretch, but with Miro came Nanami, Sakura and Ren. Hikari wasn't willing to stop talking to the few people whose presence she enjoyed just because Miro enjoyed being a little nasty at times. Looking back, Miro's words combined with the growing frustration in her heart from her parents' absence was probably why Hikari responded the way she did.

"Well, actually," Hikari started with an awkward little smile after clearing her throat, "about that. I've been meaning to mention this, but I actually have a boyfriend." Hikari's short laugh, done half out of nerves and half out of embarrassment, was drowned out by the shouts of surprise from the rest of the group. She wasn't sure what reaction was better: Miro's gaping face or the furious whispering of the students returning from the cafeteria. The lie was going to be all over the school by the end of the day, and it was going to come back and bite her in the ass. She was sure of it.

Sakura's overjoyed squeal was the only warning Hikari got before the excitable girl grabbed her hands and held them in her own. Hikari knew the girl didn't mean to come off as a child with a sugar high, but it was hard to see her as anything but with her bubblegum nails and messy space bun hair.

"C'mon, Hikari," Sakura begged while leaning as far forward as her desk would allow, "you gotta have a picture of him! Can I see, can I see? Pretty please?" She dragged the last word out like it would make Hikari change her mind.

Miro sat back in her chair with a disbelieving smirk.

"Yeah, Hikari," Miro said with her smug look, "show us a picture. I can't believe you didn't tell us about him earlier. How long have you guys been together?"

In for a penny, in for a pound, Hikari grumbled in her head. She did her best to keep the anxiety from showing on her face and gave her friends a positively innocent smile. It was time to spin a believable tale, and Hikari had more practice than most.

"Well," she began, letting nostalgia and affection color her tone, " We met at that popular cafe on Main Street. You know, Pretty Kitty Wish? He loves the sundaes there, and we hit it off talking about some new flavor announced at the time. We've been dating for about a year, but he lives out of the school district so you wouldn't have seen him around. I never really brought him up since it would have been tough to bring him to this side of town when we're all busy, but he's transferring in sometime next week so I thought now was a good time."

Miro probably had more to say on the subject, but Nanami put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head. Sakura's chatter and Ren's encouragement covered the interaction neatly, and peace held out for the rest of the day as the other students finished filling in. The teacher was right behind them, and he quickly called the class to order. Hikari did her best to pay attention to the rest of her lessons, but inside her thoughts were a wreck. All that she knew for sure was that she was screwed to hell and back.

At the end of the day, Hikari claimed she had shopping to do and declined to join the rest of the girls for a study session. The end results were mixed. Nanami knew how to read a room, so she adjusted her glasses and pulled Sakura along with a promise to see Hikari next time. Ren lingered a bit at the door. Miro would have stayed behind with him, but Nanami took her along as well. Mentally sighing, Hikari finished gathering her belongings in her briefcase and put on a weak smile for Ren's sake. She knew she wasn't getting out of the room without a conversation. Ren joined her as she walked through the door.

"You know, you don't have to walk me out of the school building. I don't think I'll get lost," Hikari told him with a hint of mirth.

Ren shrugged his shoulders and grinned in reply.

"What, is your mystery man coming to pick you up from school? I can't sneak a peek before the others," he jokingly questioned.

Hikari shook her head with a little huff. Ren was the first friend she made when she first transferred to Namishima Academy, and she wouldn't give him up for the world. He was generally kinder than most people his age, and his laid-back attitude and messy hair made him one of the more popular boys at their school. Unlike his girlfriend, his teasing was actually lighthearted in nature.

"I really do need to grab some groceries before I head home, so there's no 'mystery man' coming to pick me up," she replied. They continued joking back and forth as they made their way to the front gate. Before they parted ways, Ren reminded her that he was always there to lend an ear if she needed it. Hikari shooed him off before heading to the local supermarket and grabbing enough ingredients to last the week. Considering she was the only person she had to feed, it wasn't too much for her to carry.

After finished her shopping, she returned to her apartment and put the food away. Sighing loudly and leaning her back against the wall, she slid down to the floor and cradled her head in her hands for a few minutes. Hikari regretted her compulsive lie now more than ever. She had no idea how she was supposed to find a boy to play the part of a devoted boyfriend.

Hikari stayed there for some time before forgoing dinner and putting on her favorite comfort clothing combo: an old sweatshirt from her middle school days and fluffy pajama shorts. She took out her contacts, put on her glasses, and pulled her berry purple hair up into a bun. There was a lot to accomplish and little time to do it. Before the night was over, Hikari was going to find herself a boyfriend. There was no other option.