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Chapter 211: Wrathful Vajra

"However, if the coefficient increase of Death Wave Skill remains at 0.5 after upgrading, then Zhang Yanhang would probably not be bothered to enhance the Charm attribute," he thought. "After all, if it's only 0.5, that means even boosting the Charm attribute to the Second Tier Limit of 50 points would only yield a fixed damage bonus of 25 points."

But what use is 25 points of fixed damage? An ordinary adult has 75 Life Value points; 25 points of fixed damage isn't even enough to take out a regular person, let alone the tough monsters of Ashen World.

However, there is no rush to upgrade the Death Wave Skill yet, because all the Soul points Zhang Yanhang had were spent earlier on upgrading Gun Master and Fighting Master skills, and now he has just over two thousand Soul points left.