
Chapter 9

My stats were, as S.I.S put it, way above average.

This made me happy.

But what I learned on a little bit later, was that they were above average for an adult wizard, no someone my age.

This made me even happier.

I knew that if I was to unlock my next creation ability, is need to push my self to the edge of tho worlds power and then beyond, to do that, Ineeded to be strong early on.

Which I had now confirmed that I was.

Next, I Needed to see know if I've had any previous magical outbursts.

Once I ran though a couple of memories, I had found several instances of magical outbursts.

Harry didn't have many, it was partially due to the Dursley's constant abuse of me instead of harry, they seemed to hate him as much as they hated me, but they seemed to direct it all onto me.

It wasn't anything new to me, I had felt with this type of stuff with my father the she-devils that were Karen and Emily, so I was fine with it.

But 'I' may have been fin with it, but the Sirius of the past wasn't.

He hated the constant abuse. And when they did direct their hatred towards Harry, Sirius hated that even more, causing several magical outbursts that had lead to some nasty accidents in the house.on

The reason i wanted to know this was simple.

I wanted to see if I could replicate the magical energy from the outbursts with my Creation Ability.

I knew I'd need to understand the magical theory behind a certain spell before I could cast it with my creation ability, but this wasn't a spell.

It was an outburst of magic.

After confirming with S.I.S that there was indeed a skill for Magical Outbursts that could be formed, I started to train.









Slowly the house started a slow decent into chaos.

Dudley's Borthday went how I remembered from the book.

Dudley got caged in a snake pen.

Snake got out and went to Brazil.

And the snake said thank you to me and Harry for letting him out.

I was the or you had made it so Dudley was in the cage, I used a magical outburst, which I could now conjure after a few tries.

This was achieved after several mishaps in the kitchen and a particularly unpleasant present unwrapping, where Dudley's new TV shorted out after being plugged in, and one of the bits of bacon turned green, Harry and the others were too busy to notice, so I scarfed it down and replaced it.

The green bacon was... Very unpleasant to say the least.

But I kept my near empty stomach from chucking it back up and avoided a disaster that would have had me in the cupboard under the stairs for a week.

But aside from that, the day was rather rather pleasant.

After we go home from the Zoo, Harry and I were locked in our rooms until the next day.

By the time we were called to cook breakfast and wash the dishes the next day, I was also sent to go and get the mail.

I knew that uncle Vernon had to take the letter away, so I didn't look at them and handed them straight to uncle Vernon.










But the time we had gone through the entire letters bursting into the house scene, it was hard to contain my excitement.

It was even harder to hide it from the Dursley's, because of I were to show excitement, they'd think something was up.

When we finally got settled in the rickety old house where Harry had been picked up by Hagrid in, in the original plot, I got comfortable on the floor next to Harry, while that Fat Barstard Dudley took up the couch.

Harry was doing what he usually did in situations like this, I didn't know what 8 was, but while he was waiting for the watch he wore to click over to midnight I was intently listening for any sounds that might indicate that the Jolly Giant Hagrid had arrived.

The seconds ticket by.

And soon they turned to minutes.

I looked at harry, he had drawn a birthday cake in the dust on the floor, just like in the movie, while I continued to wait.

Then as harry blew out the dust candles on the dust cake, there was a loud bang from the front door.


Aunt Petunia and Uncle Verson had run down the stairs, possibly afraid that we had done so thing to Dudley.

But when they saw him awake and without harm, they looked towards the door.


The Dursley's we're all hudled together, while Harry was hiding behind me.


With the final bang, the door came flying off its hinges, an landed before the Dursley's that were standing in at the very back of the room, further back than even harry and me.

There in the doorway stood a giant man. His hair wild and black, his vast scruffy beard seemed more like a black lions mane, he wore a long brown trench coat with many pockets, it his left hand was a pink umbrella that seemed to contrasts look to an extream.

"Sorry 'bout that" he said, his deep grizzly voice echoed in the silence of the room.