Chapter 9 - You're Not the Boss of Me (2)


"Thanks for the ride home." I adjusted the handle of my bag and looked up to meet his eyes. "Again." This was the second time Phraser has sent me home but the first time he actually sent me to the right building. I was being silly for the first time and made him drop me at the hotel a few buildings from here.

He scratched the side of his head and looked at the ground. "Anytime."

I nodded and turned around but he caught my hand, surprising me altogether. I looked at his hand holding my wrist and then looked at Corbin who was still inside the car. The blonde guy blushed as he was caught staring and slid his eyes to observe the car ceiling. "Phraser." I tried to pull my hand from his grasp but his hold was too strong.

He looked up and there were worries on his face. "Are you gonna be alright?" A hint of British accent slipped in his voice.

I frowned and lowered my brows. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I tried to pull my hand again and this time he let go.

He briefly nodded as he pressed his lips tightly together. "Just making sure." He turned his attention to the crowded sidewalk and moved back to his car. He opened the car door and looked at me over his shoulder one last time before he got inside and drove the black vehicle off into New York heavy traffic.

I stood on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes, wasting my time as I tried and failed to figure out what was that all about.

* * *

I told myself that I wasn't one of those clingy girlfriends who had to be with their boyfriends twenty-four seven. I pride myself on being independent. Everyone expected me to be a brat since I was the youngest child, but I didn't want to live up to their expectations.

I walked to the couch across from where I was sitting, lifted the pillow, and grabbed my phone. I purposely put it there so I wouldn't be tempted to call Tyler every five minutes. I've sent him half a dozen texts so far and if I sent him a dozen more, I'd look like a creepy stalker than a girlfriend.

The first text was telling him how I hated liars. One more text saying that we needed to talk, two texts asking where he was, and then two more texts asking if he would come home tonight. None was replied. I tried calling his cell twice but both were sent to voicemails. I didn't bother to leave voicemails because I really didn't see the point. If he didn't feel the need to read my six messages, why would he even listen to my voicemails?

I stared at the screen. It was a quarter after eleven. My last text was an hour ago. Where was he? I closed my eyes and prayed to God that he'd be alright. I knew he lied to me today, but I didn't want anything to harm him. I loved him. I still loved him even when he lied to my face and hid something from me.

I was about to press call and dial his number when I heard the lock on the front door being turned. With my phone in one hand, I stood and walked to the front door. It swung open and Tyler stumbled his way in. He sloppily took off his shoes and put them carelessly in the shoe cabinet.

I took a deep calming breath. "Where were you?"

- Calm down, Autumn. You're his girlfriend, not his mother, I told myself repeatedly.

Tyler shoved the side of his body against the wall and leaned as he looked up to meet my eyes. I didn't need forensics to know that he was drunk. Hell, I didn't even need to smell his breath to figure that out. I could simply tell.

He sighed. "I was with a friend."

I knew it was close to midnight and probably wasn't the right time to ask him about his lie but I didn't care. I needed to know.

When I was sitting there, waiting for him to come home while counting the hours, I realized that he lied that night when I got home from the party too. There was no way it took him four hours to get to Phraser's home and then go back to our place. He even said that he was halfway there when he saw my message telling him not to pick me up. So where was he that night? I needed to know and I needed to know now.

I took another calming breath. "You lied to me." I didn't realize I was hurt that much until I heard it in my voice.

He pushed himself off the wall and took a step forward. "I can explain."

"Oh, really?" I folded my arms in front of my shirt and lifted my brows. "Then tell me why did you lie about having an additional class?"

"I didn't—"

I raised one finger and cut him off. "Not another lie, Tyler. I met your friend Corbin and he said there was no such thing as an additional class. This is the first week of school. Don't you dare think that I'm so stupid that you could say this kind of bullshït to my face and I would simply believe them."

His body went perfectly still. Only the light in the living room was on but I could see his face turning pale. We both knew I was hitting the right nail. "I'm going to make this easy for you." I took one step closer, still keeping our eyes locked. "Where did you really go today?"

He cleared his throat. "I went drinking with a friend." He ran one nervous hand through his hair. "I've told you just now, I was with a friend."

I hated having this conversation as much as him but it was unavoidable. "Which friend? And don't tell me it's Corbin because I met him and he had no plan in meeting you."

He remained quiet for a good two minutes before he finally opened his mouth to answer. "Faith."

I frowned. "Who?"

"Faith." He said a little louder.

I rolled my eyes frustratedly. "I heard you the first time, I'm not deaf. What I mean is, who the hell is Faith?"

"My ex-girlfriend."