Chapter 11 - Or I'll start calling you Mr. Jackass (3)


Phraser found me while I was eating my lunch at the John Jay Dining Hall. I knew we've managed to spend one night without a fight but I didn't expect us to hang out during lunchtime.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I watched him warily as he put his tray on the table and took a seat in front of me.

He smiled. "Having my lunch. Why? Do you want some of my chips?" It was weird how he could be an äss sometimes and a charming guy some other times.

"No." I stifled an urge to laugh. "I have my own now." I looked around the cafeteria and noticed that a few people were staring at us. "Why are you here, sitting with me? Don't you have a pack of minions to boss around?"

He frowned. "What minions?"

"You know, those people you came and had lunch with yesterday. Those who look at you like you're some sort of a god or something." I stabbed my potato wedges with a fork and brought it to my lips. It was nicely seasoned and had the right crisp in it. I knew this might came a little silly, but I could be really picky when it came to potatoes. Maybe because I was a potato myself. I spent most days wearing T-shirts or any comfortable clothes and could care less about my looks.

The small frown on his forehead cleared up. "Oh, you mean my friends." He used the knife and fork to cut his steak. "They don't usually eat lunch this early."

"But today you do?" I grabbed the bottle of water, twisted the cap open, and took a drink.

"I want to spend more time with you," replied him with a smirk. "That's what friends do, right?" He forked his steak and brought it to his mouth then chewed.

I didn't know what to answer to that. Considering what his girlfriend said to me before class, I doubted this friendship would last. I wondered if she knew about our little adventure last night and if that was what caused her to act like a bïtch this morning. Or maybe boys were just the same, they didn't tell their girlfriends when it was about spending time with other girls. Like their friends or ex-girlfriends. "Are you planning to get me in trouble?" I asked truthfully.

Phraser swallowed and downed a quarter of his apple juice. He raised a brow. "What trouble?"

"With your girlfriend, duh." I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you really think she would approve of this friendship?"

His brow lifted even higher. "Why do we need her approval?"

Was he serious? I put my fork down and stared at him with a 'you gotta be kidding me' look plastered on my face. "Cos she's your girlfriend."

"I don't need anyone's approval on doing anything." He continued to slice his steak. "Besides, Margo isn't my girlfriend."

Well, that was new. "Then how about the brunette?" I remembered him making out with a brunette yesterday after lunch.

"What brunette?"

"That brunette you were making out with yesterday." There was a hint of frustration in my voice as I struggled to remain calm.

He frowned. "You're the only brunette I was making out with yesterday."

Oh my god. He suffered a short-term memory loss. "Are you shitting with me right now or are you seriously don't remember?" He looked at me with a blank expression, totally clueless about what I was on about. "Okay. Never mind."

We continued to eat in peace. He managed to finish his steak faster than me eating my fish and chips. "Temptress," he started.

"I've told you not to call me that," I countered as I dipped the fish to tartar sauce. "Or else I'll start calling you Mr. Jackass."

He chuckled. "Was it true?" asked him softly.

I paused and looked up to meet his eyes. "What was true?"

"About you and your English teacher."

I searched for a sign that he would judge or criticize me but found none. The look on his face told me that he genuinely wanted to know the truth so I gave a brief nod. "Yes."

His gaze moved across my face as if he was looking for something but in the end, he only said, "Okay."

I was always a curious person and his reaction got me curious about what was in his head. "Why did you ask, to confirm what you've heard?"

He shook his head and offered me a genuine smile. "To know more about you."

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