Chapter 19 - You Kissed Him! (2)


"He took me to his house and then drove me back here this afternoon," she quickly ended her story and reached for a mug on the table. As I watched her down its content, I had a feeling that she had not been telling me the whole story and I wondered why. She set the mug back on the table and looked up. "So what about you? What is your story?"

"Before I begin," I said ominously as I locked my gaze with hers, desperately wanting to be able to watch her eyes as she answered my following question. "Is that something I should know about you and Phraser?" I lifted one brow and studied her face carefully.

Her brows snapped together. "There is nothing going on between Phraser and me." She sounded a little defensive to my ears and apparently to hers as well because when she spoke her next words, she seemed to keep her tone down. "He kissed me but I did not kiss him back. Eventually, he gave up and we settled on being friends but you know that."