Chapter 32 - So, You're Wet, Huh? (2) NSFW

A U T U M N  S U M M E R S

"What are you saying?" I frowned. If there was one person who always managed to give me an answer that made my brain do the extra work, it was this guy standing in front of me. "We know you don't want me."

Phraser gave me a sad smile. "Do we?"

"I kissed you." My pride was beyond saving right now as I faced him and admitted that he had rejected me on that night on the beach. "But you pushed me away and left to God knows where for days. It's evident that you don't want me, Phraser. So tell me what is really going on? Why have you been ignoring me for the last forty-five minutes since we got into this room."

"Because I want you too much, Autumn." His voice was hoarse as if it was hard for him to say it out loud. "I pushed you away because you were drunk and I couldn't tell whether it was me you thought you were kissing or your ex."