Chapter 38 - Are You In Need Of Rescue? (2)


"What's wrong?" She followed behind me, her fingers fidgeting nervously in front of her stomach. "Did I do it wrong? I can do better."

"No, no. It's not you." I turned and gave her what I hoped was an apologetic smile. "I'm just not in the mood."

She frowned. "You were in the mood five minutes ago."

Fuck. Yes. But not because of you.

I did not want to hurt her by telling her the truth so I merely shrugged. Her pride must have woken up as she regained her composure and stood a little straighter. "You're such a jerk."

"I've always been." I shrugged again and watched her leave the kitchen.

Matt came in after her, seemingly confused as he watched the redhead looking pissed. "What happened? What got her panties in a knot?!"

I was in no mood of explaining things so I shrugged.