Chapter 45 - Could we go back to the page before this? (2)

We were sitting on top of the soft blanket that Tyler had laid down on the grass, Severus was sitting comfortably surrounded by his favorite red ball and containers of snacks. Unlike other babies or kids I'd seen around, Sev was pretty quiet. So far he was only able to say the word 'momma', 'dada', and 'nana'. It drove Steven nuts that Sev couldn't say 'uncle' while my dad had given up teaching Sev to call him 'gramps'.

"So, Autumn," Tyler who had been busy with his iPad looked up warily.

I lifted one curious brow. "What is it now?"

"It's nothing." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. "It's just-" he sighed before continuing, "Eudora asked me-"