115. The vain search

I gazed through the glass again. It was the man to the left who said this. The man to the right then spoke. "He will kill us, if we utter even a single word." 

"If we don't he will kill us." The man in the middle said. Who was willing to reveal us. "Slowly." He then added.

"Atleast one of you have brian." Xavier said. "Now continue." He then told to the man.

Again Xavier puts on the headphone firmly back on his head. And I wasn't able to hear anything, again. I waited for him to finish so that can ask what he said. But the conversation was getting longer and I was being impatient. I moved closer to Xavier and tiptoed to reach my his ear. He was approximately, three to four inches taller than me. Though I was pretty tall as a girl. Seeing me getting closer to him, he moved aside. Stepping towards him, I got closer tiptoed again. Turning his head to face me, he furrowed at me. 'What?' He lip moment me.

"Let me know too." I murmured.