129. Begin

"We are not safe here." I said, straightening into a sitting position. Taking him by his hand, I pulled him alone with me. "Let's hide somewhere." I said. And we both ran, away from the direction where bullets were coming towards us. I took him behind the truck and be both hid there.

"Now tell me everything what's going on." I asked.

"The ship." He stopped to catch his breath. "The cargo ship that arrived had my family in it." He said.

"In a cargo ship?" I asked to confirm. There was a ship of passengers too. Why the cargo ship then?

"Yes. They are taking my family." He paused then continued. "I have to go and safe them before they are gone."

"Can you?" I asked. They are using his family as bait for him. They will kill him at any moment he arrives at the ship.

"I don't know but I have to." He said. Taking out the gun from his jacket, he aimed at me. "Let me go now."