Confession of the culprit

After half an hour door bell rang. Eshaal went to open the door. John didn't came alone. Lara and Edd also came with him.

"What happened Eshaal? Is everything alright?"John asked with a worried expression.

"Come in first." Eshaal said with an expressionless face and went inside. They also followed after Eshaal.

"What is going on Eshaal? What is he doing here and why did you asked us to come here? Edd asked after seeing Ash.

"She did not asked you to come here." Ash glared at Edd.

"I know she called Dad but were we worried so we came with him too." Edd glared back at Ash.

"Actually it's good that you came too. Now you can help your Dad answer some questions." Ash smiled and stood up.

"What questions?"

"What is this?" Ash pointed at those books on the table and asked in a stern voice.

"How can we know what this is?" Edd wanted to say something else too but stopped after seeing his Father's pale face. John looked like he saw a ghost.

"Dad, you know something about these books?" Lara asked John.

"Where did you find these books?" John asked in a trembling voice.

"Did you use methods of this book to give your kid spiritual devices?" Ash picked up the book of forbidden rituals and waved it before John's eyes. John took a few steps back.

"What is he saying Dad?" Edd asked John.

"Let's go Edd. We are not staying here anymore." John said and was about to leave when something bounded him tightly in place. Unable to take another step forward, John looked at Eshaal unbelievingly.

"Answer him." Eshaal tightened her hold on other end of Minni.

""I did not do anything wrong." John struggled to free himself.

"What do you know about the death of Ehsaal's parents? Ash took out the dagger that was hidden near his waist and pointed it on John's neck.

"I don't know anything."

"Don't make me lose my patience. I am already going easy on you because of Eshaal." Ash hit john with the hilt of Ice.

"Let him go." Edd also took out his bow and arrow.

"I am sorry Eshaal. I had no choice." John suddenly said in a low voice.

"Dad.." Lara and Edd were shocked.

"Talk." Ash said coldly.

(Flash back)

"I am so worried about Eshaal." Marvin said to John. They were going for a morning walk in the park when Marvin suddenly brought up this topic.

"Don't worry. She will get a spiritual device soon." John tried to comfort his friend.

"She turned eighteen last month. What if she is never going to get one?"

"Don't lose hope."

" You are lucky both of your kids are gifted. I wish I could give Eshaal a spiritual device. I wish there was a way." Marvin sighed.

"What if there was a way?" John stopped walking.

"Really." Marvin stopped too and asked John hopefully.

"Yes. I can show you a method but.. " John hesitated for a moment and added " you have to help me too."

"Help you? How?" Marvin asked.

"I'll tell you this later."

"Ok. I am willing to do anything for Eshaal."

"Then let's meet at your place. Make sure Eshaal is not at home." John said cautiously.

"Fine. You can come tomorrow morning. Eshaal will go college."


Next morning Marvin told everything to his wife Carol. They trusted John so they were not worried that John would play any tricks on them.

"You look really pretty today. Just as you looked on our wedding day." Marvin said to Carol.

"Thank you." Carol chuckled. They were discussing about the dress Marvin gifted Carol when the door bell rang.

"I think John is here." Marvin went to open the door.

"How do you want me to help you?" Marvin came to the point after they chatted for a while about random things.

Instead of answering Marvin, John pulled his sleeve and showed his arm to Mr and Mrs Marvin. His whole arm was covered in blackdots." I want you to help me get rid of this."

"What is this?" Marvin and Carol were bewildered.

" Do you know how Edd and Lara got their spiritual devices? " John paused for a couple of seconds and continued " I performed a forbidden ritual to get them spiritual devices. Because of performing this ritual, I got this. I have been supressing this curse for years but I can't supress it anymore.

"How can I help you?" Marvin asked with a serious expression.

"I want you to perform a little spell." John said.

"Why me?"

"Only a gifted person can perform this spell."

"I don't want to give Eshaal a spiritual device like this." Marvin said.

"No, no. I will tell you a different method."

"Ok. I will do this." Marvin looked at Carol and said hesitantly.

"We will need Carol's help too." John said.

John opened the book he brought with him and showed marvin how to perform this spell. Three people performed the spell holding each others hand. When they completed the spell and let go of each others hand, Carol fell on the ground with a *thud*.

"Carol! John what happened to Carol." Marvin panicked and crouched down beside Carol.

"It's gone. The curse is gone." John said joyfully after checking his body.

"John, there are black dots all over Carol's body. They are on my body too. Did you transfer the curse on us?" Marvin could barely keep himself from losing consciousness.

"I am so sorry Marvin. I was running out of time and I had no other choice." John placed something on the ground and said again. " You are gonna need these later. Bye."

"Wait." Marvin saw John's retreating figure and lost his consciousness completely.

After an hour Carol wokeup feeling a sharp pain in her head. Coming back to her senses she realize not only her head, her whole body was aching unbearably.

"Marvin." She called her unconscious husband. After a few minutes Marvin wokeup too. His condition no better than Carol. He collected the things John left before leaving. It was a piece of paper and a gun.

"What's written in the paper?" Carol tried to read the paper. As promised, John gave them the method for giving Eshaal a spiritual device.

"I can't believe John did this to us. I trusted him." Marvin groaned. He was in so much pain, he felt like someone was stabbing him with a hundred knives.

"There must be a cure for this. " Carol cried.

"If there was a cure, John wouldn't have done this to us." Marvin shook his head.

"Then what should we do? I can't bear the pain anymore. It's so bad I want to die." Carol sobbed.

"I can't find our cellphones. We can't ask for help either. I think the only way to end the pain is to end ourselves." John picked up the gun.

"Before that... " Carol looked at the paper in her hands. She did not have the strength to complete her sentence.

"We have to give Eshaal what she wanted." Marvin completed Carol's sentence.