WebNovelNot Alone.100.00%

Missing a certain someone

"How can you be so careless to get stabbed like this?" Mr Graham said angrily to Ash who laying on bed. He was so disappointed. Ash never got injured like this even when he fought with much more dangerous people.

"Sorry. I was a little careless." Ash said embarrassingly. He slept for 24 hours and just wokeup a few hours ago.

"A little? You almost died." Mr Graham got even more angry.

"Be careful next time Ash." Mrs Graham who was sitting beside Ash said softly.

"Ok." Ash smiled.

"Atleast you managed to solve the case." Mrs Graham tried to cheerup Ash. She knew Ash was faking his smile.

"He confessed everything so easily because he was already guilty. I didn't do much."

"Self-awareness is a good thing." Sarah chuckled from the side.

"Don't tease your brother Sarah." Mrs Graham reprimanded Sarah.

"You did well Ash." Mr Graham couldn't stay mad at Ash for long.

"Thanks Dad." This time Ash genuinely smiled. "I forgot to ask you how is Eshaal?" Ash then asked Sarah.

"I went to meet her. She is fine now." Mr Graham said.

"That's good." Ash sighed in relief.

"You should rest. We'll be leaving now." Mrs Graham caressed Ash's hair and said.

"You can go too." Ash said to Sarah after Mr and Mrs Graham left the room.

"You are injured. Can't leave you alone." Sarah said while playing with her phone.

"I am not a kid." Ash got irritated.

"Says the one who got stabbed by an old man." Sarah said sarcastically.

"I hate you." Ash closed his eyes and pretended she was not even here.

"Me too."

After a while, Lydia knocked on the door and came in holding a tray in her hands. She placed the tray on bedside table and called Ash." Are you sleeping Ash? Eat something first."

"What did you brought? I am starving." Ash immediately sat up.

"I made you soup. You shouldn't eat oily and spicy food for a few days." Lydia handed the bowl to Ash.

"It's not bad." Ash said after drinking a mouthful of soup.

"Don't forget you have a sister too Lydia and she is also hungry." Sarah complained to Lydia.

"You want soup too?" Lydia turned her head asked.

"No, I want that chocolate cake you made." Sarah grinned.

"Fine, it's in the fridge." Lydia smiled too.

"Bring some for me too." Ash said.

"Drink your soup." Sarah said before leaving.

"You just wait." Ash gritted his teeth in anger.

"Nina called me this morning." Lydia said to Ash.


"She said you were not picking her calls so she was worried." Lydia gave water to Ash and said.

"Did you tell her what happened?"

"Yes. She said she will come tomorrow to see you."

Next morning Ash was sitting in the lawn. He was bored to death. He tried to read the news paper but lost interest only after reading a few lines. Ash threw newpaper on the table and started to think about Eshaal. She didn't call him or she came to see him. "Should I call her?" Ash was immersed in his thoughts when he heard someone call his name.

"Hello, Ash." Nina said and sat on the other chair.

"Hey." Ash greeted her back.

"I can't believe you got stabbed. How can you be so careless?"

"Not you too." Ash got annoyed.

"What exactly happened?" Nina asked. Ash told her everything from the start.

"I really thought she was your new girlfriend." Nina said after listening everything.

"You thought I made a new girlfriend and still came to see me?"

"Don't be silly. So what if we brokeup? Whe are still friends."

"Yeah, we are still friends." Ash smirked and said sarcastically.

"Hey, don't tell me you really fell in love with me."

"I am not in love with you." Ash thought for a while and said.

"You are in love with someone else?" Nina looked at Ash in disbelief.

Before Ash could answer his phone rang. Looking at Eshaal's name on the screen a smile crawled upon his lips.

"Hello." Eshaal's voice sounded on the other side of the phone.


"How are you?" Eshaal said. She wanted to go to see Ash but couldn't because of school. So she called Ash as soon as she got a break.

"I am fine. How are you? Dad said he went to meet you, so I guess he helped you took care of everything."

"Yeah. He did."

They were both silent for a few seconds before Eshaal said again."Your pay.. When will you come to get your pay?" Eshaal was nervously scratching the corner a notebook.

"Soon." Ash chuckled.


"You are not coming here to see me? You know I am injured."

"No, I am busy. Besides Lara gave you those healing candies so I am sure your wound must have healed by now."

"You are so rude. My wound is healed but Dad forbid me from going outside for two days as a punishment." Ash said.

"As a punishment? Why?" Eshaal was confused.

"I was too careless that day. That's why." Ash said awkwardly.

"Oh." Eshaal didn't know what she should say. She also heard someone laugh on the other side of the phone.

"Is there someone else?" Eshaal asked Ash.

"Yeah. Nina is here." Ash answered and looked at Nina laughing.

"Then you should keep her company. My break is also over." Eshaal intented to end the call.

"Ok. Bye." Ash said.

"Bye." Eshaal hung up the call.

"So where were we?" Ash released a deep sigh and asked Nina.

"You are in love with someone else?" Nina repeated the same question again.

"Maybe. I am not sure yet."

"Who is she?"

"You'll know." Ash smiled mysteriously.

Next day Eshaal was in the staff room preparing to leave when her cellphone buzzed. It was a text message from Lara. She was wishing her Happy Birthday.

Eshaal smiled sadly. Maybe Lara was still too embarrassed to talk to her. Eshaal said bye to her colleagues and left the school. Instead of going home, she decided to go to a nearby park. Sitting on a bench, watching childern play, she didn't realized how much time has passed. It was already dark when she returned to home.

Eshaal threw her bag on the table and sat on the sofa. It was complete silence in the house. "I miss you so much Mom." Eshaal said to empty house. A lonesome tear rolled down on her cheek.

"I wish you were here with me. I feel so alone." Eshaal closed her eyes and said in a low voice again.

"Well, you are not alone. I am here." Someone sat beside Eshaal and said in an equally low voice. Startled, Eshaal opened her eyes and saw Ash sitting beside her with a big smirk on his face.