
Yoshi: "Yo yo, wassup dawg?"

Fricka: "Nothing much, except for the fact I just died and came back to life miraculously, uh you got any money I can borrow?"

Yoshi: "That's cool man, uh yeah, how much?"

Fricka: "I don't know, just a small 2 million gold coins."

Yoshi: "Y'see, I'm too rich that what you asked for is too small a sum, so Nah, I'm too humble to give too little."

I translated that as expected: he's broke.

It seems that dinosaur became a bit of a crackhead, I don't know how, I only introduced them to cigarettes, but whatever he's puffing it's something different, so I decided to ask.

Fricka: "What you smoking?"

Yoshi: "What? You don't know about that new crystal meth floating around, that shit is fire, or frozen, how you like to say it."

Crystal meth, huh? I'm not into drugs, but I need some money for a phone, so I could invest in that meth and make a fortune.

Fricka: "Who's your dealer?"

Yoshi: "Guy called Ping, you can find him near the edge of the Overwatch universe."

Fricka: "Cheers, mate, see you sometime and someplace."

Yoshi: "Yeah, you too."

I made my way to the Overwatch universe, finding a near pipe system to hijack into.

Fricka: "Hey, uh, you know which pipe leads to the Overwatch universe?"

???: "Uhh, give me a second."

The guy looks back at about 300 pipes.

???: "Good question, I have no clue."

Fricka: "You have a rough idea?"

???: "I don't know, most of the people go in that pipe area, but they're all on drugs."

He points to a group of 4 pipes.

Fricka: "Aight, cheers lad, just what I was looking for."

???: "Ah, darn, not another one lost to drugs."

Fricka: "Who said I was going to DO drugs?"

I entered one of the pipes, guessing which one it is.

The pipe ride was a bit rough and long, but once it ended, I arrived at... shit.

The place I arrived at wasn't the Overwatch universe, it was the Pokemon Universe.

Do you want to know how I knew that? Because I was instantly met with some really high texture Charizard who was realistic like in the Detective Pikachu movie. It looked foul.

Fricka: "Ah piss, I can't go back now can I? Oh well."

I strolled around until I met someone in the town I arrived at.

Fricka: "Uh, hello, do you know where I can find drugs?"

???: "Why do you want to find drugs, Fricka?"

Fricka: "Emiro? What are you doing here?"

Emiro: "I don't know, I don't even play Pokemon, this is stupid."

Fricka: "Oh, so you're looking with an exit, sorry my language malfunctioned, I'm not looking for drugs, I'm looking for an exit, yes, sorry."

Emiro: "I assume you came here looking for drugs, but didn't find any?"

Fricka: "Yeah, was supposed to go to the Overwatch universe, I mean, no, I'm not looking for drugs, I'm just looking to invest in it so I can make some money."

Emiro: "Why do you need money? Apparently, you're some high levelled guy in the government."

Fricka: "Yeah, I need 2 million coins to buy a phone that calls all across the multiverse so I can find Naoto."

Emiro: "Wait, Naoto is also here?"

Fricka: "Was, ransacked my house and left, so I'm trying to find him for revenge."

Emiro: "Harsh, well, I think you should get something that can help you to escape this shithole. Oh yeah, and by the way, if you're looking for drugs you came to the right place."

The words were confusing and eerie, and soon I realized why he said this.

Professor Weed: "Yo yo yo, wassup my G, ya here to pick some slaves for your animal cruelty journey, bitch?"

Fricka: "What have they done to you, Professor?"

Professor Weed: "I got in that crystal meth business to fund my research because this job is fucking useless and produces no money like why am I giving free Pokemon away I should be setting up a black market to sell Pokemon."


Professor Weed: "Yo Mr White in a second I need to start the plot journey of this bitch, bitch."

A Breaking Bad and Pokemon crossover, what the fuck?

Fricka: "Actually I don't think I'll take a Pokemon, I'm interested in getting in the drug business."

Professor Weed: "What, you want to buy, bitch?"

Fricka: "First of all stop calling me bitch, second of all I don't want to buy, I want to get in the business, aka make money manufacturing, etc."

???: "JESSE!"

Professor Weed: "Shut up Mr White, bitch. And no, bitch, because then we'd lose our jobs, because here me and Mr White are the chefs, not you, bitch."

???: "Bro Chill, Mr White left it's me, bro."

Emiro: "Shut the fuck up Fricka, and let's leave."

Fricka: "No, no, if I can't make it, I want to sell."

Professor Weed: "If you want to sell, talk to Ping, not me, bitch."


Fricka: "You got a Pokemon already, Emiro, right?"

Emiro: "Yeah, it's a Sobble."

Fricka: "Terrible pick, but it'll do, let's get the fuck out of here."

We got out of there quickly before Weed threw a fit at us, and so we looked for a way to get to Overwatch universe.