The Part Where She Kills You

We arrive after the extremely long elevator ride and step out into a clean and nice corridor.

Looking down it was a door saying 'EXIT' so we all moved forward quietly, until the floors behind and in front of us folded up into walls, trapping us in a box.

Alice: "Hello again, this is the part where I kill you."

Glados: "I guess this is the part where she kills us."

Wolfang: "Well shit, I guess we've just fallen straight into her trap."

Alice: "I guess that bottomless pit wasn't enough for you, huh? Guess we'll have to do it the old fashion way: quick yet painful."

The ceiling pops out, revealing a crusher above us.

Alice: "Oh and, before you try to make any negotiations, I'm hardly interested. Goodbye."

As the crusher falls, I use the reality gun and point it at it, using the black hole to destroy the crusher, however, it just stayed in place, shaking and falling apart slowly.


Wolfang then uses her reality gun to destroy a wall and she runs out.

Alice: "You can't hold it forever. You're deleting the wirings, not the actual crusher you idiot! Let go and it'll just fall on you."

I decide to destroy the crusher completely, sending spikes from its face flying everywhere, scraping my shoulder.

Fricka: "AH SHIT!"

I run out with my remaining strength the way Wolfang went, only leading to two directions, I decided to take the left.

Alice: "You can't run forever, you know?"

More crushers appear, crushing behind my every move, extremely close to me but far enough to not crush me.

Fricka: "What the fuck do you think you're doing? You're destroying your own facility!"

Alice: "A small part of this entire facility, a price I must take."

While small pieces of brick fly everywhere, I see ahead a pillar with a bunch of wires, so I decided to go towards it so that Alice crushes it and makes potential damage.

I go towards it, but the crusher is centimetres away from me now, so I duck under the pillar, destroying it and sending lights flashing everywhere.


As I lay down on the ground right under the crusher, which was still crushing above me endlessly without moving forward or backwards, I responded.

Fricka: "What do you mean, it was you who crushed it, not me!"

The crusher slowed down eventually going to a stop.

Alice: "Turns out that pillar is connected to the main panel that keeps this facility together, so great job on that. Oh, and looks like this place is in critical condition, not of my current problems."

Fricka: "Are you seriously saying I'M a bigger problem than this whole facility falling to shit."

Alice: "Oh yes you are, trust me. You're like a parasite, I heal the infection but you'll just find your way to crawl in and cause another dozen."

Fricka: "Well getting rid of that parasite seems not to be working, are you really so brave and bold to sacrifice everyone just to get your revenge on me? You're pitiful, won't stop until you get what you want."

Alice: "YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE BEGGING FOR MERCY, BOY! Everything I do seems not to work, you just won't die, will you? What is it? How are you doing it? Are you immortal? Are you some sort of God? Some sort of prophet, saint, well you're most certainly not a martyr, WHAT ARE YOU?"

Fricka: "I'm human, just like you, but it seems that's not enough for you huh? Not even a robot body in charge of the biggest facility in the universe is enough for you? I bet if you had immortality that wouldn't be enough."


Fricka: "Oh trust me, if you were immortal we wouldn't be speaking."

Alice: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Fricka: "I think if I were immortal, I wouldn't fear anything at all in the universe knowing nothing could touch me, no living being, nor robotic being, hell I could kill everyone and be alone and finally at peace, but no, here you are, begging me to stop, as if you're on your knees for mercy. You say I'm the one who should be begging but here you are with a facility that is about to collapse and be destroyed, all you ever had will be gone, you may be immortal but you won't have anything to your name, you'll be known as the immortal being who fell to a mortal. But that's the thing, you didn't, because if you are truly immortal I know one thing, no one is immortal, because there is one person who can kill an immortal, and that's the immortal person themself."

Alice: "Are you seriously saying I should commit suicide?"

Fricka: "No, I'm saying your wrath and fury will one day lead to someone else's uprising and your downfall, that's how it always goes. Look at the Doctor, an immortal time lord, who died to the very energy he uses. Don't you see that one day all of that jealousy bottled up in you will come back to bring your downfall? And if my predictions are correct, I predict that day is today."

Alice: "You're hilarious, really."

Fricka: "I'm glad you found my joke funny."

Professor Weed approaches me, then he touches a button on a panel attached to the pillar, opening a corridor.

Alice: "Wait, stop, you're not supposed to touch that."

Professor Weed: "Who said I can't?"

I go down the corridor towards a big room, full of light.

When I enter, turns out it is Alice's lab, the room they stay in, as I spot Wolfang and Glados standing across from me.

Wolfang: "Thanks for distracting her, Professor Weed managed to get us over here."

Professor Weed: "Alice, I don't believe in what you do, even if I'm evil, you're worse in every way."

Alice: "I couldn't care less about you! Because I still have the rest."

Alice then stabs Professor Weed through the heart with a claw attached to her.

Alice: "Ah, now I have your attention."


Alice: "When I did, self-defence is vital after all."

Wolfang: "Why would you kill him...?"

Alice: "You came for business, correct? Well, let's discuss."