I went to dorm and started preparing for my first day of college. SUZEN came back and started talking about him, all day. He was so good ,so polite , so generous, so patience in listening etc.., after that she gave me her best dress saying that it's a gift for you for making me to meet my idle.

Next day , early morning ,suzen started make over ,on the other hand I just prepared my bag and wore the dress she gave me. But she drag me and gave me a transformation by make over ,that, I can't believe my own eyes after seeing myself in mirror , I was so beautiful that I couldn't explain myself . I asked her ,is this me ? Omg ! Wowww ! I look soo gorgeous .

We both stepped out of our room . Today , there are more number of people in the dorm. Everyone was starring at me and gossiping each other . I started to walk confidently. We stepped into the college . Their the senior members are helping freshmen to go to the auditorium. We went into the auditorium .

The Audi (auditorium) was full with fresher's . We searched for a seat and sat immediately . The Audi was soo silent for a while .  Then the programme started with an anchor speech telling the importance of the college and she invited our director . He gave us speech for more than one hour about discipline. During the speech I was soo sleepy ,even I got a day dream too.

After one hour of his speech he call upon John on to the stage for a speech . Now the Audi became more noisy and everyone was shouting his name . I was wondering is that him . I don't know . So , I was starring at the stage , and it's really John ,I used to compete with. He was so stunning ,when he was talking on the stage . I was literally starring at him.

After his speech the director mentioned about mr.fresher & miss fresher competition that whoever was interested can enroll in the college forum . I was not used to participate in such competitions. But everyone around me was cheering me to participate . With their words, I almost flattered . But , I said them I will think over it . They were all disappointed . I immediately ran out of the Audi .

When I came out , John was there with a huge fan following, but he seems to be waiting for someone.

I was still running out and didn't stop . Suddenly he called my name , I stopped ,and waved at him. Everyone is starring at me . I feel awkward , again I started running. I don't understand, what am I doing at that moment.

He too started running with me ,I stopped and asked him, why are you running ? He said ,I don't know . He too asked me the same question. I said,  I had an urgent call . Oh no ! Why did I tell a lie to him ? Am I being terrified .I was so embarassed at that moment. So I told him a white lie.

Now, what should I do ? I don't understand anything and I was drowned into thoughts and soon everyone gathered around us and took so many pictures with their mobiles . I was almost scared to death . He hold my hand and take me out of that place . On our way back, he asked me ,are you going to participate ? I was in shock and din't pay attention to his words. He strike me on my forehead with his fingers . Then I came to my senses . I told him, I am not interested , and also thank you for saving me from your fans and I left .

I went to my department , there was a huge crowd gathered infront of the senior classroom. I was too excited to know and meet my fellows , seniors ,lecturers everyone . I stepped

Into my classroom and there is no one . I waited for my fellow members for about half an hour . I got so bored and I stepped out of the class room and there is still crowd infront of seniors class. So, I just peeked into the classroom and all the freshmen are there in their class . Someone is giving a lecture about the department . Oh no !I missed so much, I forgot their is an interaction programme. What happened to my memory I became so dumb . Immediately, I stepped into the classroom , everyone was starring at me . so ,I grab a seat and sat down .

The man who is giving lecture asked my name ,so I stood up and introduced myself to all of them.

All my seniors asked me to fill the forum for competition . All our seniors flattered me so much . I don't have another chance ,so ,I filled the forum.

All the seniors treated me soo well . Some are so jealous of me, but I don't know their names yet . And I got some friends their names are SHIRA, JOSEPH ,VALENTIN. In a very short time ,we became friends .

After that we went to cafeteria for lunch. There Su(suzen) was waiting for me with her new friends. I introduced  my friends and she introduced her friends JOE, JACK . Suddenly John came to have lunch with us. In a short period of time we were used to eat togather and became best friends. Everyone in our group was awe struck . So, we introduced them to him .

We sat togather and had our lunch. Inbetween I told su and John about my application . He was so angry. because, he asked me at first ,but I rejected . He was soo angry . I asked him ,how to change his mood ? He challenged me for a competition in roller skates . When he challenged me all our new friends were surprised.

Everyone looked down on me . Because he is a champion in roller skates. I want to keep my profile low . So , I refused him . Everyone thought that I am afraid , and don't know how to skate. He yelled at me , saying if you don't compete I will never talk to you again and he left .

After we had lunch, we went to our classes . I was drowned into his words and was not paying attention to my first class. I thought friendship is more important than anything . On the other hand I don't want others to know about my skating skills . Uff ! I was tooo tired thinking about this . Atlast , I made a decision to compete him . Because ,he became my bestfriend and I don't want to lose him at any cost . So , I made up my mind to compete with him but with some conditions.