After that we went to the dorm. And dressed up for the party . Su and I came out of our room. All the people in the dorm praised me. On the other hand Princy was so upset and was very angry and wanted to take revenge on me. We came downstairs John was waiting for us , but his fans were around him . He was so busy giving them stills for the photos. I called him he sprint towards us . Soon we walked towards the restaurant.

My senses are tingling that something bad is going to happen . su and John asked me what happened ? Nothing I said . But I feel something is wrong.

We arrived at the restaurant all the seniors had arrived early and also there are some dance department students . But I am not familiar with them . Soon our department head arrived and also Princy, with her mesmerising looks and her dashing personality made all the men fell for her . Our head gave me a toast saying that I was so worried about her before the competition, but after her dance performance ,I was so surprised. And I hope the victory continues . He drank wine , sir , asked me to have a drink . John came and told them that she had no habit of drinking instead of her ,I will drink , everyone around us shouted ahhh ! So romantic ! I told them you all are thinking in a wrong way we were just friends, I am not a wine person, so I changed it to a soft drink and I drank it instead of him actually to escape from that situation.

After that everyone was enjoying the party . Suddenly Princy came to me . And told me with high voice that you will regret for everything you did to me and she stepped on my foot with her point shoe . It's was too sharp .

It's too painful to bear .

Inbetween John came to me ,and asked me, what happened? I just covered my leg with my dress and I told him nothing and I left to restroom. And I washed it but it was Bleeding heavely. Again I was drowned into thoughts that what happened to Princy did I do something wrong ?my good luck is that I wore a long dress otherwise John will definitely see this wound and scold her ?ohh it's terrifying to imagine. Did she hurt because of me ? I don't know , but her heel is too sharp ,it make me bleed so heavely. I tied it with so many tissues , I know it can't hold it for soo long . With all the thoughts aside ,I came out of the restroom .

There is a man standing still infront of the restroom. I had a sense that I had seen him somewhere . I said excuse me ! He turned around ,omg ,what on earth is this !! All my bad luck came at once to me . Today my bad luck has no end. I think may be god is punishing me for something, I did wrong ? Ahhh !! What should I do now ? Run away , but I can't . What on earth is he doing here ? I don't understand anything . All the things aside . I greeted him, Hello . In return he asked me ,do I know you ? My god is great !he forgot ,who I am . I am so lucky . I was so excited at that moment . I left the place immediately . And joined the party .

Everyone gathered at the dinner table waiting for me. Oh shed !I made them wait for so long . I rushed to them and grabbed a seat in between su and John . My head is about to start the dinner then the dance department head came to the party .we all stood up our head exclaimed we thought

You will not attend the party . Then he said, I am not! I had a meeting here in the private suit and he left . We all relaxed for a while . We enjoyed our dinner . We were about to finish our dinner . The tissues which I tied to my foot are all wet and even my dress was stained with blood but I still stayed calm . I want the party to go smoothly. So I just want to calm down myself about another few minutes. Because the party is about to finish.

Then vice president came to us with few people .He was one of them .we all stood up again my foot pains a lot . I was telling myself that few more minutes just few more minutes Dove please control yourself just few more minutes .  Vice president called me to have a talk . But why me ? God please save me this time I was just telling myself . I went to vice president he introduced me to them and told me that they are the best dancers from other universities . Every year all of them joins to conduct a voluntary programme for the sake of poor village children. And told me that you have to participate this time representing our college . I said why me sir? I am not a trained student like Princy she is more talented than me . But he said I saw a spark in your eyes while your dancing I trust in you more than any other . This is a very prestigious competition which brings so much of fame to our college . And I can't count on anyother after seeing your performance .

I told him I feel so flattered sir. Thank you for your complement. I realised I had no other option . In sudden I felt so dizzy, I was unconscious and fell down . I opened my eyes in a hospital room my foot was packed with bandages it look like a burger that was wraped with a brown paper in subways. John and su are near my bed . He was taking nap on a chair and su lying on sofa. I don't want them to woke up . I feel so awkward I tried to remember what happened last night after I fell down. but I didn't get anything .

My foot feels good may be the doctor gave me some  pain killer or may be an injection. The hospital was so silent even the drops from my celaine bottle are very clear to listen. Suddenly a nurse came to my room making so much of sound ,by dragging a tray with some medical equipments . And her heels are making so much of noise . I got so irritated . But I controlled myself for a bit .John and su woke up with the sounds she was making . They asked me are you alright, they both look so worried. I told them I am alright see, I showed them by moving my leg. ohh noo ! I strained my leg again it's still paining but I pretended like it's not paining. Nurse told me put your hand straight for an injection . I was afraid of injections but I put my hand straight . My hand is trembling, I am soo nervous at that moment . Su hold my other hand John was laughing at my situation . I felt so awkward at that moment. Nurse gave me an injection ,it's so painful .I even got tears from my eyes. But I controlled my self . With this I thought I became an expert in controlling all my emotions . Nurse take off my celaine . And told us that you can discharge tomorrow . I felt relieved .

Again I was drowned into thoughts thinking that if nurse leave my room John and su will definitely asks me all questions that they had . I am afraid of giving them the answer. so , I pretend to act like I am sleeping . I am listening everything with my closed eyes that Nurse is taking all the equipments and placed in the tray . And again she left making so much of noise . After she left John and su are approaching my otherside of the bed and standing still .I glance at them with one eye open and immediately closed my eye. They look so worried. but ,they remained silent . And they don't want to disturb me. so they went back to their places. I stopped acting and opened my eyes after a while because of the injection I too drowse off.

Next day morning, John and su woke me up that doctor came to take off my bandage . I woke up . The doctor and nurse came to takeoff the bandage. they asked me how are you feeling now ? I said ,I feel good . Doctor gave me some precautions to not make it wet and take some good rest, eat some healthy food etc.., I didn't pay attention to his words as I was looking at John and su . They are really attentive to the doctors words and they look very serious while listening to him.

Doctor take off my bandage and tied a new one but this time a simple one . First I was afraid that if doctor tie the bandage as same like before all the people in the college will laugh at me. But I was so relieved .

After that su hold me to getup and John booked a cab for us we went to the dorm as soon as we reached the dorm . I told them don't tell anyone about my foot. They told me we are afraid not. because the news already spread wide. Oh no! I became soo curious and asked them ,how did they know? What was the news ? What happened to Princy ? Did anyone scolded her ? Ohh what should I do know ? John exclaimed ,what Princy ! Did Princy did this to you ? I glanced at John and su they are very furious . And are asking me what happened tell us now. I told them the whole thing happened last night .

John and su both are very angry . Even they scolded me for not telling them . I said sorry and I made a request to not tell anyone about Princy . They didn't obey my words .I begged them for a while and told them that I will take care of this matter . After an hour of my begging they accepted my request and we went back to our rooms. There is no one in the dorm all went to the college . So it's really quite . We layed on our bed and conked out .

It's almost lunch time . We woke up and braced ourselves and went to the cafeteria . Cafeteria was crowded as usual in a mean while John joined us and told me to have a seat and I will bring you your lunch . I sat at our usual place . Some people gathered around me and asked me about my injury . I told them, it's better now . They all are asking me so many questions . I remained silent . I thought some times silence is the best answer . Then John came holding two plates of meals, his fans are very upset by seeing him like that . So I took my plate from his hand and I devoured half of my plate. I finished it as fast as I can . Then vice president came for food inspection and he had a glimpse at me .

I went to him and called him, sir! he exclaimed ! how is your foot now? I said, it's fine sir . I wanted to ask him about the competition. As if he read my mind, he told me ,don't worry about the competition . I was soo glad that he choose other dancer instead of me , may be it is Princy ,because she is the only capable person . I told him thank you sir , for choosing Princy instead of me. He ejaculated ! What ?  Noo you are thinking wrong . The competition is next month and I prefer only you for this . You are my charm . I was so flattered that even I got blush for his words . And also said that I already told your HOD (head of the department) about the competition, he accepted . You should take more rest so that your wound will disappear soon and he left the place . I was so confused but felt very happy for his words.

I went back to john and su and told them the whole thing . They felt so happy. And we left cafeteria and came outside . We were walking slowly towards our dorm because of my wound . I was again in my own thoughts thinking about John and su that they became very close to me . And they are sharing everything but on the other hand ,I was not telling them anything and I am keeping everything a secret . I felt it very bad. They are very loyal to me . I should tell them everything about me , so in this way I can make them less worried and will become more close . I made a big sigh . I bought all my strength and I decided to tell them . When time comes . I want the best time to reveal everything.


                               -HALLE BERRY