As we accepted the deal John first helped me to gather information from his coach . I was more like interviewing her rather than collecting information after listening to why she joined in this type of sport . I became her fan , she was soo hardworking , she told me that her mother is also an athlete ,when she was 5years old her mother got a chance to participate in Olympic . But, she gave up the biggest opportunity in her life because of her . So she took her mother as an inspiration and joined in roller skates and won so many medals and also participated in Olympics and she won and also she fulfilled her mother's dream . I was more curious that why she joined as a coach. When I asked her this question ,she told me that this is where my mom studied she was no more with me so I joined here as a coach because I feel my mother's aura everywhere in this campus. I was so enlightened with her speech . She became my one of the inspiration . I started to admire her . She was so wonderful . I think I got so much information for my theme . The best information that I ever had actually .

John ,it's his first time to learn about his coach . He was inspired too . We both got tears that shows the pride of hers. we both really became her admirer's. She also told me that she watched me compete with John ,she appreciated me for my courage . After that I asked John about his theme and song , he told me that I don't know anything . I told to enquire about it . So he left first and I went to my classroom and started to paint as she as my main character. While I was drawing I really lost in time . It's already night . So I packed all my things and went to cafeteria . It's already late cafe was closed so in a disappointment I turned back to my dorm . Su was waiting for me she already had some snacks with her . Uff she is always my life savior without her I would be starving to death . After eating some snacks and a talk with su I went to bed with full satisfaction with no regrets . This is the first time that I went to sleep with no regrets ,no starring of people , no fights , no long faces this is the day I really want to happen all the 365days in a year . Hahaha , I know it won't happen .

Next day , I went to college early to finish my work , because I had another task to do i.e.., to help John win over Princy . I went to my class and started to finish my art . When I entered the class there is no one ,I know because I am too early . Soon everyone started to work on their themes. Meanwhile John came to my class seeing him , I told him to come afternoon , so that I can finish my work . It's already about to complete . My sketch is all done it's about to finish with some final touches to make it look good . Atlast I finished my work I immediately showed it to my HOD he was really impressed . He locked it in the locker , to make sure it's safe . After that I went to my class everyone is working very hard . I looked at the time ohh noo ! It's already mid- afternoon I really forgot about John . So I immediately packed my things and went to his department  where John is already listening to the song he selected . I went in its the gym area for athelet , I was little embarassed for a moment . But there is no one in the gym . He told me it's okay come in all the others are working for the feast and now it's just dance practicing area . I told him okay ..... And I also asked him about the theme and song . He told me salsa and the song is... I interrupted him and asked him salsa , are you sure ! Then where is your pair . Salsa can't be done with one to show its beauty there should be a pair definitely . He asked me are you willing to dance with me ? I was too confused is he taking it as a chance or is he trying to make up with me . Ohhh !! What should I do now . I was totally confused . In a moment Princy came to john and she was shocked to see me their and told us that I know , this will happen are you teaching him dance then I surely will win this time . She successfully touched my ego . I told her don't be so confident I already won once . She was so arrogant and told me that this time I won't because I was performing with a champion who won so many medals and also our college pride , and ofcourse I was specialized in salsa and I know you can dance only a solo but it's a pair dance , so I am very confident this time . She was so arrogant . I told her we will see the end result  I won't let you win for sure . She said the same and she challenged me if you lose to me make sure to pay a big price . I too challenged her with okay statement . She left with so much of hubris

I took his competition very serious . His song selection was very good . I taught him the very first steps in salsa , so that he can do more better in further steps . I was telling him step by step . I saw that he too was working very hard to practice an unknown form to him . The best part is that he is a roller skater so he can manage his balance soo good . So it's easy for me to teach him like this .

I taught him the SIDE BASIC , FRONT - BACK BASIC ,  CLOSED HOLD , BACK BASIC ,CUMBIA BASIC & OPEN HOLD .  These are all the basic steps I taught him for about 3 hours . Meanwhile my stomach grumbled . I felt so embarassed and also forgot that I didn't had anything from the morning . John gave me his protein shake from his locker he also gave me some protein snacks . His locker was so clean and he had a mini freeze in his locker . I asked why is your locker had a freeze ? He told me that every athletes locker has a freeze to make sure that their protein shakes are good to drink anytime . Ohh okay !!I was really impressed . I took some snacks and the drink he gave me and again we started to practice the moves . He was soo fast learner that he was perfected in those steps in a very short time . So I moved to the next steps BASIC RIGHT TURN , 5 TURN PATTERN , CROSS BODY LEAD AND  CHANGE OF PLACE . When I was teaching we both really lost in time . After all the practice we saw that it's already night we taught that cafeteria would be closed so we had his snacks . I told him that you should put more stock from tomorrow onwards otherwise we will surely had nothing to eat . He said I will not make that happen to you .

I was a bit confused . After we had had snacks we went back to our dorms he told me thanks ,but I told him that its fine , and also thank you for helping me to gather information . We were bit silent and we reached our dorm . Su was as usual waiting for me . I asked her what are you doing for the feast . She told me that we are holding a fashion parade with our own designs . I was so engrossed in the conversation . And I asked her to prepare a pair of dress for John and me for the dance performance . I told her everything happened there and she told me that I will surely help you . My stomach grumbled again . She gave me the snacks that she kept for me I took them and started to eat like a pig . When John gave me the snacks I ate so less to make sure he had some . So I was hungry again .

I ate to my stomach full and went back to sleep .

Next day morning , I went to my class and all of them are started working on the exhibit . I went to department HOD told me that make sure to win this time . I was shocked for a moment and asked him in what ? He clarified me about your competition against Princy . Oh shed !! How did you know sir , I exclaimed . He told me that make sure you win !okay . I said okay sir . He told me then what are you waiting for go and practice . I left with delusion. I went to the gym where we are practicing . He was already practicing his moves which I taught him. I told him that indeed, you are a good student . He told me thank you teacher . We laughed hard . And we started to practice the professional type like Columbian Style salsa dance . As he is a fast learner and also an athelet in roller skates I can make sure of this style because it makes the body remain fairly rigid and the foot work is very syncopated .

So , I choose this form to his song . As he was already familiar with the basics . I started composing to the song meanwhile he practiced some of the Main steps in Columbian form which I showed to him . I saw his hard work more than mine , so to make up for him I should definitely make us to win in this competition.

He was practicing and I was composing . In a while his phone alarm has beeped with a different sound . He told me that it's Lunch time with a huge laugh . I was in panic mode for a second . He laughed very hard by looking at me . We went to the cafeteria . Su was all alone eating her lunch . I felt so sorry for her . John and I accompanied her , we talked with her about our out fits . She was already working on it ,with John and su on my beside I am sure can win this competition , as the best outfit shows our confidence and with much more hardworking partner we can win over anything .

We had our lunch and we went back to our practice . I composed full song and then we started to practice . Our life became like eat, practice , sleep and then again eat , practice , sleep . In a very short period of time we became professionals in salsa dance . Atlast our final day has come . Su designed our outfits so we tried them out . I felt very shy after wearing the outfit . It's my first time to wear a designer outfit which exposes my legs . After seeing me in that attire John eyes were some what sparkled with his wide open eyes told me so many things . He was really in a daze for a moment . I asked them how's it? Su told me that you look perfect in this outfit . John with an excited voice it looks perfect on you . I was blushed . We started to practice in that outfit , su was watching us , when we are rehearsing the song I felt a bit shy . While he was dancing he was starring me for the first time . While we are practicing everyday he actually concentrated on footwork , but this is the first time he was starring into my eyes . His eyes were actually talking to me .

After our rehearsal I went back to my classroom all my fellows are working really very hard they arranged the arts exhibition. They alloted the places for the exhibits mine is on the middle of our exhibit . I didn't showed my portrait to any one rather than my HOD . I hanged my portrait at my place With a veil . After all the arrangements for the feast . I head back to the dorm for rest . Su was also exhausted by the work and was taking rest .

The next day it's the feast day . Su and I woke up early she gave me her dress for the feast and insisted me to wear it . And she also did some makeover on me . I look as a diva for the day . I went downstairs everyone on my way are starring at me like I am an angel. Meanwhile I was shocked to see Alvis in the feast . I rushed to him and asked him why are you here ? He with his wide open eyes was looking at me without any eye movement . I hit his head slightly . He came back to his senses . And told me that you are looking gorgeous with excited tone. And I asked him again why are you here ? I was thinking that Princy told me about her partner, is Alvis her partner? . Ohh noo! I don't know if Alvis is really her partner then surely I will lose to them . I was frightened for a moment . I was on my thoughts Alvis interrupted me and told me that he was invited by his friend . I was so in relief . Mean while John came to me and told me some information about the competition . Alvis asked me what happened ?I told him about our competition he was so in shock and told me that I am waiting to see your performance ,but I am a bit disappointed that it was not me your partner . I was confused by his words. Shira came to me and told me about the opening of our exhibit . So , I made an apology to john and Alvis and immediately rushed towards our exhibit . Alvis and John followed us , I went into my position in the exhibit . HOD sir came to us and gathered all our department members and told us that there is a guest to our exhibit and you all should treat him well. We asked him who is he ? He told us that he was the son of our director who came back from a national level wide competition and also won a gold medal in dance , he is our college pride . I thought that he is the one who is pairing up with Princy because his description was same as prince's .

Meanwhile everyone opened there veils and I too . The feast was just about to begin all the faculty members are in the exhibits . An announcement stating that all the students are requested to gather in the auditorium with this all the students started to arrive at the auditorium . I too went in to the auditorium Su called me and told me that her presentation is about to begin in the Audi as there exhibit was fashion parade she asked me for some help . She told me to come to the back stage . So I went to the back stage and was helping Su to get ready for her parade . Meanwhile a familiar voice called me dove is that you? I turned back to see who is it? And I was really shocked to see him here . After seeing him my hands were shivering and I am all sweat . It's Oscar , I immediately rushed to him and asked him why are you here ? He told me that he was studying here . But I didn't see you anywhere . He told me that he was just back from a competition . OMG !!! I was so clarified now he is the son of our director and he is the one I am competiting with . And soon he will also become my classmate . Ohh noo!! What should I do now ?? Why God !! Why me !! Why everytime !! Soon he was called to the stage by our director . I was relieved a moment after his disappearance. I pinched myself to see it's real or fake . But all my assumptions are totally wrong it's real . But I hope it to be fake .