World 1.14

Qui Yuan sighed "Finally..I'm on my own." he made a facepalm "I was so embarrassed to be with him right now.." he added

He knew that Min Jiwoo was kind and adorable sometimes but he was still not sure about his feelings towards the male. He thought that Min Jiwoo was doing it to help him, he didn't know that the male was already falling for him.

And speaking of falling in love, Jiang Rui instantly flashed in his thoughts. The male did not attend the whole class. If it's because of him, he should apologize or else the male will be dropped out.

He was on his way back to Min Jiwoo when his phone rang. A text from Jiang Rui flashed on the screen "HELP ME.." it said

His chest pounds instantly like delivering cold shivers to his blood. Then another message popped up, it was stating a place.

[Oh my! Please don't let what I'm thinking happen!]

Qui Yuan dashed towards the School's old back gate, Min Jiwoo was waiting for him at the front gate for sure and he didn't want to tell him that he was worrying about Jiang Rui. His footsteps striding the road are slowly getting heavier and heavier. He didn't want to think ahead of time but if he was going to see Jiang Rui at the back of that old warehouse again with bruises all over his body, he would call the cops for help.

Qui Yuan knew that Jiang Rui was not a bad guy and he was 100% sure that he was not one of those bastards.

He was waiting for the green light to cross the streets when his phone rang. The name MIN JIWOO flashed to the screen.

He quickly pressed the answer button "Hello, Jiwoo sorry I have some important matters to do..Please go home alone for now, I will tell you everything tomorrow" he said in a calm tone

Finally, the green light came so Qui Yuan hung up the call, not even waiting for the other male's reply. He knew that he was not that strong to help or do anything against those gangsters but he is the only one that could save the Jiang Rui right now.

Qui Yuan reached the said place in a minute, he almost fell on his knees the moment he pushed the rusty door of the old warehouse. He was catching his breaths so much.

A shadow hovered in front of him. "You really came.." followed by a chuckle

Qui Yuan lifted up his head and saw 4 male surrounding him, his heart felt stiff when the nervousness overtook his system.

"Ehhhh?!" he jolted in surprised

The four males looked at him then they all laughed, Qui Yuan found it creepy and scary at the same time.

[Uhh..Is this a bait?]

'No! I shouldn't be scared of them, as you can see Diccu I've learned taekwondo in my world, watch me and I will kick their asses just like a badass character. Don't underestimate my powers'

Jinli proclaimed in her thoughts, she was so full of pride. She will make Qui Yuan's character into a badass one. But before he could even lift a finger, a handkerchief was already in front of his nose, blocking his sense of smell.

"W-What d-d-did y-you--" the words remained unsaid as he finally went into deep slumber.


Darkness met his eyes the moment he blinked, "Where am I?" he uttered.

He tried to move his body but there was a thing restraining him, it seemed like a rope, it was tangled to him very tight. Qui Yuan shakes his head, trying to sway the blindfold off.

He heard footsteps towards him "Who are you?!" he exclaimed as he rustled backward until his back reached a hard wall.

Then a memory flashed to his mind. He remembered what happened, he came here to rescue Jiang Rui, but it looks like he's the one right now who needs to be rescued.

Qui Yuan gathered all his remaining courage "Jiang Rui!!! Are you there?! Did they kidnap you too?!!" he yelled, turning his head sideways "Don't worry!! I'm here!!"

He was stopped by the laughter around him, they all mocked him.

"Jiang Rui?! Kid we are not playing here.." a voice said

"Indeed, this kid is something.." another voice stated

Is that why you like him so much, Rui?"

Qui Yuan jolted and startled at the same time. A familiar name that they called so casually.

[Diccu? Diccu? Are you there?]

DICCU: Of course I'm here, you have been kidnapped, host!

[Ehhh?! I'm not going to die, aren't I?]

Qui Yuan's heart skipped a beat, the thumping sound inside his chest were deafening him from the other noises around him. He was so nervous that he couldn't talk and think properly.

"W-Why a-are y-you doing this?!" Qui Yuan must be brave to show them that he was not frightened at all

Another group of laughter mocked him back. His eyes were totally enveloped by the blindfold so he can't see anything, it was just his sense of hearing that functions right now.

"Are you scared now, kid? Why are you stuttering?"

"Don't worry, we will not kill you...but maybe a beating can do.."

"Don't touch him, let me handle this.."

The last voice rang continuously inside Qui Yuan's ears, it was buzzing over and over again. The familiar voice struck his system. Qui Yuan lowered his head after feeling something inside his chest. "Please tell me it's not him.." he thought

Then he heard footsteps sound, it was getting louder as it stride towards him. A figure crouched down in front of him and cupped his cheeks.

His fingers crawled towards Qui Yuan's eyes as he slowly removed the blindfold.

Qui Yuan squinted when the light hit his eyes, then he looked at the figure crouching in front of him. His blood quickly accelerated as his eyes almost bawled out from shock.

He saw a familiar face, his gray hair and his hawkish nose.

"J-Jiang Rui?.."