World 2 Part 1: Be my slave


The flashing light almost blinded her, she blinked before opening her eyes wide open. Loud noises invaded her ears, it was like chanting and cheering. Her surroundings were bright and there was a long and wide curtain on the edge. She was like in a show with the people as the audience.

"Ehh??!" Jinli jolted between surprise and nervousness. She saw different faces in front, faces with smiles,greed and possessiveness. All eyes were looking at her like they wanted to devour her.

DICCU: Don't panic, host! This is the second world

[What am I doing here?]

DICCU: This is your new character

[What is my identity? System, show me]

The system showed up in front of her, containing the information.

'You are Wei Shin, a homocus. You are here because you are a slave. You have no family at all, they died during the Empire war. You are in a trading and buy show right now, the man in front is the merchant of yours, he was selling you'

[Ehh??!! Selling me?]

DICCU: Don't worry, if you got will got the best master

The chanting crowd once more scared Wei Shin especially when all the spotlight was focused on him. He wanted to run but then he realized that he was in chains, handcuffs on his wrist and a collar on his neck. He was only wearing thin clothing down with no upper one. He can tell that his body was thin with pale skin.

"Now!! For the main event!!!!" the merchant yelled with his delighted voice

The crowd once more cheered up and chanted their words. Wei Shin definitely understands it, it was all a money prize and right, he almost forgot that he was a selling item.

"100 000 gold coins!!!" the merchant yelled with a grin on his face. Then some of the people stood up and named their prices higher than the said numbers.

At first,Wei Shin was stunned, he didn't believe that he cost that much gold coins.

"If you want this rare species, you need to bribe more!!" the merchant once again grinned mischievously.

Then Wei Shin realized that he was not an ordinary human. Is he really a human? Because he could feel something under his butt. A long and furry one, it must be a tail.

The crowd continued to chant their prices.

"300 000!!!"

"350 000!!!"

"400 000!!!"

The merchant smirked after hearing the final prize. "Very well! He will be yours at 400 000 gold coins!!" he yelled with pupils , reflecting a money sign.


The door wrecked opened, everybody glanced at the door and when they saw who it was, they all kneeled down. Not even lifting a head, almost 20 guys entered the area. All of the 20 men were wearing the same clothing with a sword on their waist. The one who entered last was wearing a blue hanfu with a royal aura. His hair was tied up with a perfect bun and with a long ribbon.

Wei Shin couldn't see their faces clearly since the spotlight was blinding him so much. He just heard the merchant say some apologizing words before it kneeled down.

After hearing some loud footsteps, the cage Wei Shin was in creaked it's door opened. A figure hovered in front of him. He winced as he tried to look up but he couldn't clearly see his face. "Who are you?" That's the only words he can utter, his voice was a little bit hoarse right now.

But instead of getting a reply, the man in front of him leaned closer. Wei Shin thought that he was going to kiss him but he was wrong. The man unties the chain on his legs then on his arms. The he slide off his fingers straight to Wei Shin's palms "Come with me"

Wei Shin was petrified after hearing his voice, it was enchanting and melodious to anyone's ears. He didn't even realize that he totally followed the man outside the big cage.

Wei Shin saw the mysterious man's back, he was wearing a very fine hanfu with a dragon design on the edges. The clothing was very fine and expensive to look at.

Meanwhile, the merchant was kneeling down, face straight, almost kissing the ground. "Y-Your m-majesty, t-that servant may not s-satisfy your s-status.." he was trembling "I r-recommend to buy s-someo----"

"Shut up…" His melodic voice turned cold

The merchant almost cried while apologizing again.

"500 000" The man ordered

Then without a hesitation, the guys wearing long black robes quickly laid some bags of gold coins in front of the merchant. Wei Shin was almost delighted to see such a big amount of money.

'..Isn't he too rich for this? Buying me this kind of amount? Oh my! Why am I ending up as a slave here? Kyahh!! Don't tell me that I will serve him every night with my body!!? I couldn't take it if it turns out to be like that!! I don't want to sell my body!! But..But..What if he is big down there?!! Kyaah!! I'm going crazy!! Am I going to pass out too while we are doing it?!!!'

Jinli thought so many different things instantly inside her mind that she couldn't contain the fuzzy and wuzzy feeling inside her heart as a fujoshi.

And before she could act like Wei Shin, the mysterious man faced him. Removing the top of his thick layered hanfu and wrapped it straight to Wei Shin's thin shoulders.

"Ehh?" Wei Shin thought while in daze, gripping the middle part of the long hanfu towards his chest. "T-T-Thank y-you" he stuttered with a flustered face.

The male then pulled his arms once more, it was just fitted for how wide his palms are. Wei Shin was thin and frail by not getting enough food. The merchant must be harsh towards him.

While they were striding their way down the big theatre-like stage, Wei Shin unconsciously stopped, causing the mysterious man to look back at him. The area was still dim so he hadn't gotten the man's full face yet.

"W-Where are you t-taking me?" Wei Shin said with his very low and soft voice before lowering his head.

He kept quiet for a while,not even moving a muscle still glued to the ground. He was waiting for an answer, slowly and patiently, until he heard that enchanting and melodious voice once more.

"Come with me and be my slave" he answered