World 2.10

"Wei Shin!"

Xiao Zhen quickly dashed to him and hugged him very tight, letting their cheeks squeezed. Wei Shin was startled when the second prince did that to him.

"How are you? Are you feeling better now?" Xiao Zhen asked with his pitiful eyes

Wei Shin bowed his head "I-I'm fine now, your majesty" he answered awkwardly

The Prince leaned closer to him like he was scanning Wei Shin very thoroughly, then he squinted his eyes "Are you really okay now?" he asked suspiciously

Wei Shin nodded his head quickly "Yes, your grace! Please don't worry about me" he answered

Xiao Zhen then grabbed his hands. "Then come with me!" he exclaimed. The two strided the pathway going inside the Palace. They entered a room with different clothes, Xiao Zhen called a few of his servants and asked them to pick the best yet simple clothes for Wei Shin.

"Your highness, What is this?" Wei Shin asked with his puzzled face the moment he was finished dressing up.

Xiao Zhen beamed in excitement "See!! Some of my clothes are good on you!" he exclaimed

'...I don't know what's happening here. Is he going to run away with me? Am I a doll for him that he will play with if he gets bored?...'

"We are going out, Wei Shin!" Xiao Zhen exclaimed in delight. "But first, let us ask permission from Yuzuo.." he asked as he pulled the male once more

[They're so close, no wonder he's calling the Prince by his name]

DICCU: Your looks are telling me that you are irritated

[I'm not, Diccu!]

They've arrived at the Prince's room. There they saw Qi Feng standing in front of the door as he greeted them.

"What brings you here, your royal highness?"

Xiao Zhen smiled "I want to go to the plaza with Wei Shin! Can I ask Yuzuo a permission?" he said in a very cute way

Qi Feng knocked three times and then when they heard Zi Yuzuo's response, he let the two enter.

Xiao Zhen quickly ran towards Zi Yuzuo and hugged him tightly saying that he missed him so much just like a little kid. Zi Yuzuo stayed silent.

[He's indeed cold towards anyone]

"I want to go out with Wei Shin in the plaza. Can I borrow him from you?" he asked with a pleading eyes while Zi Yuzuo looked at him for a second. "I will take care of him, don't worry!" Xiao Zhen added

Zi Yuzuo then gave Xiao Zhen a pat on the head and brushed his hair "Okay, you can go with him" he replied

Wei Shin was stunned, The Prince gave Xiao Zhen a pat and he half smiled. It was a new side and he couldn't bring that out and only Xiao Zhen could do that. But then he realized that he was still a slave and the two in front of him were still part of a royal bloodline. There was still something inside him that's feeling a little bit envious.

"Wei Shin?"

"Wei Shin?"

"Wei Shin?"

Wei Shin jolted in surprise, he was dazing so deep in his thoughts that he almost felt deafened. He didn't even realize that he completely fell silent.He turned his head to Xiao Zhen who was waving closer to him "Y-Yes, your majesty! I'm sorry!" he exclaimed in panic


The two headed out as they rode the royal carriage. Although Xiao Zhen was wearing simple clothes, he couldn't hide the fact that he was a Prince because of his elegant gestures.

They reached the city capital in no time, the plaza was a very crowded place so if you didn't know the way, you'll probably get lost.

"Woah!! So many people!!" Xiao Zhen exclaimed the moment they stepped out from the royal carriage "The plaza is fun,Wei Shin! Let's enjoy our time!" Xiao Zhen yelled in so much excitement that he quickly dragged Wei Shin onto his pace.

They stopped by a stall, which had fresh fruits and vegetables. Xiao Zhen then picked up one apple and took a bite. "It's sweet!" he exclaimed as he chewed it.

[He's a bit childish, I guess Zi Yuzuo like guys like him]

"Wei Shin! Do you like some? We can buy as many as you want!" Xiao Zhen exclaimed as he glanced at the male

Wei Shin gave him a smile "As you wish, your highness" he replied

The two strolled more around the Plaza, there were different things that were pleasant in the eyes. The thick crowd and the yelling sounds from the merchants. The running and playing children. It was indeed a happy town.

"Where did he go?"

Wei Shin rubbed the back of his head as he realized that Xiao Zhen wasn't with him. He was so busy enjoying what he was seeing that he got distracted looking at the second Prince. He quickly turned his back and passed by the stalls they'd been through but he didn't even see a shadow.

"Crap! Did I get lost?" he whispered to himself "He was a Prince so he can get home by himself,but how about me?" he started to feel nervous and worried

Wei Shin didn't give up on looking, he strided the crowd hoping that he would find Xiao Zhen. He stopped by and asked some merchants but none of them gave him the answer he was looking for.

"Prince Xiao Zhen,Where are you?" he asked himself

The sun was already down and any time from now, the night will come. He didn't want to bother Zi Yuzuo and besides it's his fault for enjoying the view and not following Xiao Zhen.

In the middle of his expedition and exploring unfamiliar places, a forceful grasp pulled him somewhere. He almost groaned when his back hit the hard wall and when he opened his eyes, he was already in a narrow alley.

"This is a good catch, I bet he's one of the royal's slaves"

"We should give him a good price"

The voices bang Wei Shin's ears, he slowly looked up and saw three men talking to each other. They're wearing a black mask so he couldn't clearly see their faces.

"Crap! Is this kidnapping?!" he exclaimed inside his mind