World 2.17

"He's awake!"

"Quick! Get a basin of warm water!"

The male laying on the hard bed covered with mat and hays opened his eyes, he saw a small light from a lamp above his head. The ceiling was brownish and hard, like it was made of wood. The ambiance was quite cold and chilly, maybe because the walls are made of wood fabrics too. 

"Where am I?" Wei Shin uttered

A middle aged woman welcomed his sight with a smile "How are you feeling?" A smile stretches her curvy cheeks, her hair is already white. She was like in her 45 to 50s. Another man approached them with a basin and towel on his hands, he quickly handed it to the woman.

The woman damped the towel into the warm water then she lifted it up and squeezed it. She went back to Wei Shin and brushed the male's hair. "How are you feeling?" she asked once again.

Wei Shin gave him a short reply "I'm f-fine" he uttered "Where am I?" He asked

The woman gave him a smile and said "I am Mingxia and this is my husband Guang" she introduced themselves "My son was cutting trees when he accidentally saw you unconscious with your bleeding head at the edge of the mountains" Mingxia explained as she tapped Wei Shin's forehead "You're burning in fever for almost a week" she stated

Wei Shin's eyes widened "A w-week?!" he exclaimed

Guang on the other hand handed him a new set of clothes but based on it's texture, it was an ordinary one. Just a plain clothing not like in the palace were the fabrics are high quality "We are very sorry, this is the only way for us to help you" he said with a gloomy face

"No! No! Please don't feel that way, I should be the one thanking you" Wei Shin replied

Mingxia gave him a worried face "You're a royal slave, it is our pleasure to serve you" she bowed her head along with Guang which made Wei Shin a little bit uncomfortable "You can stay here as long as you want" the husband said

"Please treat me like an ordinary guy" Wei Shin stood up from the bed "It is so rude for me to not introduce myself...I am W---" he paused "I am Xiang…" he decided to make a fake name to hide his identity and other connections to the Prince. When things go tough in the future, he can still assure his safety.

The people can see that he was one of the royal's slaves but they will not know who his master is. 

"Xiang, please don't be shy to ask us anything, we will take care of you until you feel better," Mingxia said as he caressed the male's cheeks.

Wei Shin then went to the bathroom and changed his clothes to a simple one. It was a little bit bigger than his size then he remembered that the couple mentioned something about their son. Maybe it was their son's old clothes, he doesn't have a choice anyway.

Their bathroom was beside the house, so when you went outside you could see the tall trees and grassy land. Wei Shin walked barefoot, enjoying the smooth grasses tickling his toes. The wind was so refreshing and calm. He can't believe that he was almost out for a week, he was so lucky to be picked by that couple's son.

But where is he though? He hasn't seen another figure except the two. Did their son go somewhere? What was their source of living? Is their son the only one who's working for the family? Then he will gladly thank him with all his heart. "Such a kind man" Wei Shin mumbled to himself

In his deep thoughts, he didn't realize that he was at the back of the house wandering around. A sudden growling sound bangs his ears, he can feel the shivers. At first, Wei Shin ignored it but while the time was passing by, the sound was getting louder and louder. 

Wei Shin froze when he heard another crackle sound, it was behind him. He started to feel heavy when sweats drip from his forehead. He gulped real hard until his throat dried up, slowly and carefully he turned his head. 

He was not mistaken.

A medium size brown bear was behind him, it was drooling in so much hunger. Wei Shin was stunned, he fell down and couldn't move. The creature snarled at him while swaying its hands on the air, he could see its long sharp nails. 

"S-Stay a-a-away…" Wei Shin stuttered, his pupils were shaking and his legs were trembling. He was like food served to this fierceful creature. 

The bear dashed towards him and he was lucky that he dodged its attack. Wei Shin was still on the ground, he spun around to avoid the bear then he moved backwards,more and more until the end. His back hitted a hard tree, no way he can escape a big animal like this.

"Help!!!!!" He screams as he uses his hands to block himself, closing his eyes very tight.

A growl was heard around the area, it was painful and agony. 

Wei Shin realized the time, so he slowly put down his hand and carefully opened his eyes.

"Eeeekk!!!!" He exclaimed after seeing the bloody dead creature in front of him. It was killed before it could attack him.

"Can you stop being troublesome!" A voice snickered 

Wei Shin jolted when he heard the voice, he slowly lifted up his head from the dead bear to the male who's in front of him. He was wearing a black fine pants with boots above his ankles and a white thin tunic. 

Wei Shin glanced at his face, he had this grumpy expression. Thick arched eyebrows and a hooded brown eyes under the long lashes. A well built body with scars and ivory tan skin paired with his wavy gray hair. 

"Stop looking at me,moron" the male complained then he turned around,dragging the lifeless creature to somewhere.

Wei Shin was left there dumbfounded and speechless. "T-Thanks…" he mumbled