World 2.24

"I want to save him…"

Wei Shin turned his gaze into nothingness, towards the wide field outside the window. The noon sun was already caressing the green grass that was swaying by the air. The birds above the trees are chirping their happiness out. 

Qi Feng who was with him made a lonely look "I know, we all want to save the Prince" he replied

It's been a month and Zi Yuzuo still hasn't woken up, all of the palace people are still worried about their Prince's condition. Of course, Wei Shin was staying beside him all day to supply his yin energy. It was like a maintenance to the Prince's body. 

The door slowly opened "Commander, I am here.." Yunmei put his hand on his chest and bowed his head to show respect towards the royal commander. Qi Feng trudged the exit and tapped Yunmei's shoulders "Keep them safe.." he whispered before vanishing from their sight.

Yunmei walked closer to the sleeping Prince and bowed his head, then he turned to Wei Shin who still had this long face facing the window. Wei Shin put his palm on the half of the glass window and whispered "You're early today…" he said 

Yunmei fell silent, he didn't know how to comfort the male since all he had to do every time was to mock him. Days were passing by and while the time was running, Wei Shin was slowly getting quieter and calm. He always had this lonely expression in his eyes everytime he was facing the Prince. 

Yunmei hated it, of course. The Wei Shin he knew was a strong and brave one, he just hated that kind of expression. "Have you eaten already?" 

Wei Shin gazed at him and nodded his head "Yes,Are you worried about me? I'm fine.." he made a half smile

Of course, Yunmei was always the only one who would avert his eyes and blushed. "It's not that I'm w-worried or a-anything.." he replied with his pursing lips.

Wei Shin saw this reaction and didn't help but scoffed and giggled. "Yunmei, you are blushing…" he blurted out "What's wrong with you?" He said between mockery and joke, then he laughed again.

"Oi! Stop laughing at me!" 

Yunmei was going to give the male a smack on the head when he was taken aback. Wei Shin was smiling, he was stunned for a second after realizing that it was the first biggest smile Wei Shin made after the Prince fell into deep slumber.

Somehow, there was inside his chest feeling how relieved he was. He was a little bit glad that Wei Shin didn't forget what happiness means. "I guess I'm worrying for nothing.." he whispered to himself.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the tower at the right corner of the Rosalia Kingdom, there are two figures chatting inside the second Prince's room. 

Xiao Zhen took a sip from his wine and twirled the glasses while looking down on his private servant. "Spill it out" he ordered

The man kneeling down in front of him lowered his head and stated something "He was having a conversation with the royal physician"

The Prince sitting on his comfortable solo cushion sofa crossed his legs "That old man must be silent or else I will force him to cut his tongue" he commented, his eyes were sharp. Far away from the look he was having around Zi Yuzuo. 

Xiao Zhen stood up and faced the balcony door "The black curse wasn't a simple one, a life for a life.." then he giggled and glanced at his servant "I may be crazy, What do you think?"

The servant felt the shivers from his words, it made him frozen "Y-Your highness, you are perfect" he replied

Xiao Zhen twitched his lips and gulped all the wine from his glass, some of it spilled in the corners of lips. The response he got made him flatter so he laughed out "I'm enjoying this.." he said, brushing his hair up showing how amusing his feelings were.


"What?! I can wake him up?!"

Wei Shin bawled his eyes out the moment he heard what the royal physician said. He was so eager to hear what was the other solution to save Prince Zi Yuzuo from his deep coma. 

"You can pull him from this black curse, Shin" the old man once again said but his face turned plain "You can wake him up by doing only one thing" he added which made Wei Shin more confused. 

"Please tell me! I wanted to do everything to save him!" Wei Shin sprang up from his seat, he didn't even finish his cup of tea because he was so determined to know what he must do.

"But I can't guarantee you the result because this is a risky decision"

Wei Shin lowered his head and gritted his teeth, after hearing what the old man said he started to forget any doubts when it comes to saving Prince Yuzuo. "I-I don't care! P-Please help me," he mumbled under his heavy breaths "I will take any risk, so please tell me how to save him.." he pleaded 

The old man then averted his gaze, not sure if he was right by telling this to Wei Shin. He knew that the male's yin energy was extraordinary but to risk it for the black curse is a little bit overboard.

After a minutes of thinking, he stood up "It's dangerous for you.." he turned around and was going to exit the room when Wei Shin pulled his wrist "Please.." his eyes was full of despair

  "I'm begging you...Please help me" Wei Shin slid and kneeled down, with his one hand gripping the old man's hand "I will do anything, just pleasee…" His chest tightened from the pain he was feeling, the heaviness was already overtaking him. 

The old physician could feel the grief from his eyes, he brushed his face between dismay and sadness. Even him was worrying about the Prince's condition, but he knew Zi Yuzuo wouldn't like it.

He knew Wei Shin was important to the Prince.