World 3 Part 1: Just you and me


The cherry blossoms near the open window captured her eyes, every petal reflecting a different sensation that was tickling inside her system. Jinli was mesmerized for the whole time,that he didn't even realize where she was.

"Taehyun?" A voice called out

"Taehyun?" Another call

Jinli made a quick glance to the one who was calling her 'new character'. She paused and scanned the man in front, she was leaning on the window.

"Taehyun? Are you spacing out again?" 

The voice was calm yet deep, melodious and tender. 


'The host name is Hwang Taehyun, 24 years old. An actor in the E.T Entertainment. Popular among girls but deep inside you are gay, you'd never open to anyone before because you are too scared to be seen and you are afraid that this will lead your popularity down,goodluck!'

A warm finger lifted up Taehyun's chin so that he would meet the face in front of him, "Taehyun? What's wrong?"

Taehyun was stunned when their eyes locked, he couldn't even blink because he was struck. Who wouldn't? His green eyes were dilating through the warm rays of the noon sun, the smile on his thin and plum lips were fluttering the butterflies in your stomach. His long lashes were swaying every blink he was making. His shoulder length wavy ash brown hair was a little bit messy but charming. 

"Handsome," Taehyun uttered

The male let his chin go and giggled, "Stop playing around, Taehyun," he said.

[Wait a goddamn minute! It just came out of my mouth!]

Taehyun jolted from his seat, "I'-I'm sorry!! My mind was so occupied that I didn't even control what I was thinking!" he exclaimed 

The other male leaned his elbows on the desk and cupped half of his own face, "So you are thinking of me," he said between his grin

Taehyun couldn't help but blushed "I wasn't!" he quickly replied "M-Maybe I was just tired," he added

And before he could say another word, another man entered the room, he was in his middle aged, wearing glasses and holding a camera. He was carrying a light stand, "Soheun?" he called out

The male in front of Taehyun stood up and dashed straight to the other male "Director, why are you carrying this alone?" he asked, but Taehyun could barely hear it because his seat was only inches away from them.

The man who must be the director rubbed the back of his head after Soheun helped him placed the light stand at the corner of the room, "Geez, youths are really strong, I told them to make a quick break but no one went back quickly," he complained 

He noticed Taehyun who was just watching them so he waved his hands "Hey, Taehyun! Did you eat lunch?" he asked

Taehyun didn't know what to answer so he just shook his head.

The director again scratched the back of his head like a worried father, "Taehyun, you really are a poor kid," he mumbled

Soheun in front of him smiled, "Director, Can we grab at least a drink for a minute?" he asked. The director just gave him a quick glance "Please take that kid and let him at least have a drink, I still have papers to do so I'm going to leave Taehyun in your care," then he waves his goodbye as he exits the room.

Meanwhile, Taehyun remained on his seat, he turned his gaze back to the cherry blossoms tree near the window, that's when he realized that they're at a School. "What are we doing here anyway?" he mumbled to himself 

"We are here for a photoshoot, Did you forget already?" Soheun showed up in front of him again, but this time he leaned on the windowpane "You like cherry blossoms that much,Taehyun" he commented 

It made the other male look at him, "Eh?! Am I?" He asked in astonishment

A smile stretches Soheun's lips, "Yes…" he tilted his head "You are acting weird today, Are you okay?" he moved towards Taehyun and tapped his forehead "Are you sick? Would you like me to drive you home?" he asked, worried but calm. 

Taehyun felt the warmth from his palms which quickly delivered a jolt of electricity down to his system, his cheeks slowly turning red. 

Soheun noticed the other male's reaction so he bent closer just inches away from his face, "See? Your face is so red…" he said that Taehyun almost felt his breath.

Taehyun sprang up from his seat, "I-I'm fine! M-Maybe I-I'm just h-hungry!" he exclaimed, clenching his chest because he felt like his heart would explode.

Soheun was a little bit surprised but he managed to reply back, "Okay, let's head outside then and grab some food" he suggested

The two of them ended up going to the vending machine inside the School. Soheun wanted to accompany Taehyun to the convenience store but there were so many people and he could almost feel the male's tension so he insisted for them to stay in the area.

"Isn't it a bit hot today?" Taehyun commented after sitting on the bench near the machine, he tilted his head and looked up, letting his eyes meet the warm sunlight.


Two cans of decaffeinated coffee rolled down from the vending machine, Soheun got it and sat down on the empty space beside Taehyun. "Here," he said, reaching the other canned coffee to the male.

Taehyun made a puzzled face, "A coffee?" he asked

Soheun was surprised by the male's reaction "Taehyun? This is your favorite drink" He was a little bit worried again "You are acting weird today, Are you really fine?" he asked, again he was making that pleading expression on his face like he was asking Taehyun to tell him what's wrong.

The afternoon clouds quickly covered the rays of the sun, it gave a shady vibes under the hot noon.


Taehyun leaned a little bit closer to the other male "Why are you doing this?" he asked 

Soheun just blinked his eyes for a minute then he noticed a small petal that was stuck on Taehyun's hair so he slightly pulled the male to remove it. He remained calm and grabbed the other male's hand and put the petal on his palm,"Why are you asking me that?" he asked 

Soheun carressed Taehyun's cheeks then answered "Of course, It's because I'm your lover…" then he flashed a smile