World 3.10

Taehyun froze at the entrance. He couldn't even move a finger. Witnessing such a scene brought a heavy feeling inside his chest. He was being pricked by a needle. Thinking of what to do, a familiar voice echoed behind him.

"Taehyun, Why don't you enter?" Doctor Shin tapped the male's shoulders. His voice reached the inside of the room since both of them were standing at the door. The doctor pushed Taehyun forward and guided him towards Soheun who was now back sitting beside Tae Jun's bed. 

Again, Taehyun felt the unexplainable emotions lingering inside his system. His fingers started to tremble down to his legs. Buzzing sound entered his ears which made him deaf for a half minute. 

Soheun saw his panic so he stood up and hugged Taehyun. He hushed. "'s okay, calm down.." he whispered.

Taehyun's eyes completely turned sore, it was watering. He tried to stop himself from crying. That hug from Soheun isn't warm anymore. It wasn't comforting anymore. It was just like a plain assurance. It's not the same anymore. Everything has changed in an instant.

His head peeking above Soheun's shoulders turned to the bed. There he once again saw the frail figure lying on the white mattress. Taehyun stepped back and lightly pushed the male hugging him away. "This is my fault," he mumbled unconsciously. His breaths turned heavy. His chest turned tight like there was something in his lungs. 


"Taehyun?! Calm down"

Before his very eyes, he already collapsed. 

Taehyun woke up in another room. Still feeling the dizziness left inside his head. He didn't try to move, he remained staring blankly on the white ceiling. He felt a jolt of pain from his right hand and when he checked, he saw a tube connected to the IV fluid beside his bed. 

The door opened up. His eyes became light, like he was expecting someone. Taehyun was wrong to guess the person because it wasn't Soheun. Doctor Shin halted towards his bed and checked him. Doctor Shin didn't say anything after asking him. He remained silent while checking the male and writing something on his folder. 

"D-Doctor S-Shin, Where's Soheun?"

The pen scratching the doctor's folder paused. He glanced at Taehyun and smiled, "He's looking after Tae Jun right now, I can call him for you…"

Taehyun's face turned uneasy, "Please no," he quickly responded. "Tell him that I sleep again after waking up," he turned to the other side of the bed, letting his back face Doctor Shin. He didn't want to worry Soheun. And he was busy watching Tae Jun, so he was not in the right place to interrupt them. They are the main characters of this world after all.

Doctor Shin felt the sadness in Taehyun's voice. He didn't try to disturb the male again and left quietly.

When Taehyun was now alone, he released a heavy sob under the blanket. He doesn't even know why he was feeling very hurt. He couldn't understand his character. It seems like the real Taehyun had a very hard time understanding himself. He must be trying to make up everything with Tae Jun right now. 


The next day, Taehyun woke up with the nurse changing the IV fluid near his bed. Doctor Shi advised him to rest the whole night. He suddenly fainted upon seeing Tae JUn yesterday because of shock. Soheun didn't visit him just like he wanted. 

DICCU: Jinli, what are you doing? Please don't ruin the plot

[I'm making a plan, don't worry]

After taking the last drop of his fluids today, he finally got permission to go home. Though he wasn't sure what he would feel. Since he and Soheun are living together. Taehyun sighed after putting on his coat. He was ready to go and was about to touch the door when it opened on it's own. 

Soheun hugged him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't visit you last night…" he said in a pleading voice. Taehyun brushed the male's back, returning the comfort. Soheun must be scared because he thought that Taehyun might do something bad to Tae Jun if he got neglected. 

As they parted, Soheun took the bag from Taehyun's arms, but was quickly rejected. "I can do this," the male said.

Surprised, Soheun let him be. As expected, Jinli realized that Soheun was indeed the real Taehyun's dog. This time, she is going to change the relationship between the twins. Jinli made up her mind to use this opportunity to connect the twins again before finishing her mission.

"How's Tae Jun?"

The latter froze. Soheun stayed all night watching Tae Jun, completely neglecting Taehyun. Before he could answer, another question hitted him.

"Is he awake?"

Inside his mind, he wanted to drive Taehyun right away to avoid these events, but it seemed like it was all coming to him. Tae Jun was now awake, still taking back his strength. He didn't want the two to shock each other. 

"I want to talk to him about something"

After hearing this, Soheun's frozen body immediately moved and blocked Taehyun. "Not now!" he blurted out. Cold sweats raised down to his forehead and palms. His heart thumped non stop like he was being chased. 

[I can feel his tension, he was literally trying to separate us to avoid such scene]

DICCU: Then, what's your plan?

"Why won't you let me through?" Taehyun eyed the male's hands blocking his way. "I just wanted to talk to him," he reasoned out. 

He was not literally trying to target Tae Jun. He wanted to see Soheun's reaction. It somehow delivered another sting straight to his heart. The way the male was blocking his way just to protect his frail twin brother was enough to let him experience the pain of getting envious.

Taehyun unconsciously let go of his things. He lowered his head, he didn't want to Soheun to see his expression. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold back. "S-Soheun…" he called out. He reached for the male's sleeves and squeezed it. "Let's stop everything here, shall we?"