World 3.15

"Soheun! I-I d-didn't m-mean to--"

Before he could continue, the man hugged him and brushed his back. "It's okay, it's not your fault," He tried to make his voice more low and gentle. Soheun didn't want to see Taehyun getting shocked again.

When the suffocating atmosphere finally lightened up. They sat on the bench, waiting outside the emergency room. Taehyun was leaning on Soheun's shoulders. Still trembling and feeling very uneasy.

Minutes passed when Taehyun opened his eyes. He fell asleep. But unlike earlier, he's calmer now. He rubbed his eyes and mumbled. "Tae Jun"

A warm head pat caressed his hair. "He's okay now, he's stable," Soheun smiled at him. 

Hearing the good news, the latter unconsciously hugged the man with his tearing eyes. After all, he's worrying for nothing. 

Doctor Shin approached them and asked them for a talk. Tae Jun was also transferred to another room. Taehyun stood up together with Soheun towards the office. Doctor Shin asked them to take a seat first before spilling the information. 

"Tae Jun is in deep sleep, don't worry, his vital signs are now stable, he needed to rest that's why I injected him some sleeping pills." Doctor Shin pulled the chair and sat down. He leaned both elbows on the desk and showed a plain face. "I will not hide it anymore, he needed a n---"

Taehyun's phone rang so loud that it resounded inside the office. He immediately slipped it out of his pocket. He had no intention of answering it now, because Tae Jun's condition is more important. The name 'MANAGER' flashed on the screen a few times while it was ringing. When he was about to turn it off, Soheun grabbed his hands. "Answer it, I will tell you afterwards." 

Taehyun looked at him with hesitant eyes, "But?" He glanced at Doctor Shin and then went back to Soheun. "What about Tae Jun?" he asked again.

"It's fine, I'm going to tell you later. That's your manager, right? It's an important matter too, leave this one to me," Soheun said. 

"I will be back, I'm gonna answer this real quick," Then Taehyun dashed outside.

When Doctor Shin and Soheun were the only ones, the atmosphere turned gloomy. The Doctor continued to scan his folders on his desk. He put on his glasses and gazed at Soheun. "Are you planning to hide this from him?" he asked.

Soheun looked down, "It's for him," 

The latter snorted a bitter laugh. "They're not kids anymore," he shakes his head. "I know this is what Tae Jun wants, but can we at least consider Taehyun's feelings? Both are in the phase of recovering from their past," he insisted.

Soheun gritted his teeth in dismay, looking the man straight in the eyes. "Doctor, aren't you stepping too much?"

The folders in Doctor Shin's hand fell. His mouth formed one word. "What?" 

Soheun averted his gaze and uttered. "Sorry, that came out of my mind without thinking," He sighed and massaged his temples. It's true that he had no plan to tell Taehyun, but it's not because he's selfish or what. He didn't want the other male to experience the same thing repeatedly. Tae Jun loved his twin brother so much that he would bear anything for him. It made Soheun tremble for a couple of minutes. 


"How are you feeling?"

Taehyun pressed the male's hand more to give him warmth. A light smile stretches Tae Jun's cheeks. He leaned closer and gave his twin brother a pat on the head. "I'm fine, you are worrying too much," he replied.

The latter snorted and took his hands away. "What's with the head pats? I should be the one giving you that." then he stood up and brushed the male's hair. A little aggressive.

Tae Jun chuckled. Feeling his twin brother's aggressive pats made him amused. "You're not sincere at all," he commented.

"It's because you made me so worried that my heart almost burst out," Taehyun brushed his face. "I will never bring you outside again, you'll catch a cold so easily...just stay here," 

The door opened, spitting Soheun carrying a bag of food. He put it all on the table and kissed Tae Jun on the cheek. But when he was about to touch his face, Tae Jun looked away. "Taehyun, can you peel me some fruit?" he averted his attention to the other male.

Taehyun didn't mind their small sweet gestures since he's already used to it. He already gave up Soheun after finding out the truth. The two were the two lovers of this world and he's the home wrecker. The real Taehyun just forced and threatened Soheun to be his boyfriend to torment his twin, so he had no right to complain. 

He walked to the table and took out the fruits one by one from the grocery bag. He washed it first and then peeled it. Taehyun gave the bowl to his twin brother and smiled. "Here, take some. You need to gain a lot of energy," he commented.

To his surprise, Tae Jun didn't move his hands, but opened his mouth wide instead. "Aaaaaa" he leaned closer to the male.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to feed you?" Taehyun tried to hide his laughter. He took one slice and delivered it to Tae Jun's mouth. The male munched it with a smiling face as he said. "Sweet," 

Taehyun pulled the chair from the desk and sat down. "Why act like a baby all of a sudden? You have your own hands eh," he also munched a small slice and gulped it. "Soheun bought this for you, so you better eat it alone," 

The smile from Tae Jun's cheeks vanished. He looked away before making a straight face. The sudden change of expression surprised the latter. Taehyun glanced at the two alternately with a 'did I do something wrong?' question flashed across his face.

Before he could open his mouth, Soheun put on his coat. The man trudged towards the door and bid his goodbye just like that.

[Ehh?! What is happening?]