World 3.23: You're the best

"Taehyun! Stop!" Soheun gathered all his courage to yell this. "He didn't want you to be there," he protested.

Taehyun yanked away. They're already on the second floor and only a few steps more to reach Tae Jun. "Are you an idiot?!! Have you lost your mind?! The heck is wrong with you! I want to see him!!" he yelled with his angered heart. 

Soheun grabbed the male's shoulders. "Tae Jun will never like this! He will never like this! Snap out! We both know what he wants!!" he yelled. His hands loosened on its own. He retracted his arms and lowered his head. "He asked me t-to s-stop y-you," his voice cracked, then tears welled up beside his eyes.

It made Taehyun heavier. Is that why Tae Jun insisted on his signature on this operation? Is it because he's really willing to die? Before he could snap out, he already slapped Soheun on the cheeks. Then he also saw himself crying. 

With his blurry visions, he turned around. "Soheun, you know I can't do that," he took a step. "I'm sorry," then he rushed up the stairs.

The busy corridors welcomed him as he approached the third floor. Right corner, that's what the nurse said to him. It stunned the other people doing their business there, as they saw Taehyun running somewhere. 


The door was wide open. Doctor Shin was the first one who saw Taehyun. The room was prepared and all, everyone was prepared, but they are not doing anything. 

Is this because Tae Jun is also waiting for him?

"Tae Jun!" He stumbled down. Maybe all of his strength already melted all the way here. Taehyun carried himself and slumped near the bed. "Tae Jun," he mumbled. 


As he heard his name, his eyes squinted, and the tears fell once again. He wiped his eyes and tried to make a smile. He scanned the male on the bed. His frail skin wasn't the white one he knew, it became pale and lifeless. His eyes, that were once full of excitement, were now calm. 

Taehyun grabbed his hands. "Tae Jun, you idiot! What the heck is this?!! Why are you giving me to Soheun?! Are you dumb! What am I to you?! A dog?!!" he yelled in his heavy heart. 

Doctor Shin was surprised, he wanted to calm the male, but Tae Jun stopped him and gestured to him instead to leave them alone. They nodded and left the two. 

When they were the only ones, Tae Jun made a big smile. "What's the rush?" he whispered. He used to be a singer, but now, his voice is also fading away.

Taehyun grabbed him and embraced him tight. "Tae Jun idiot!" He squeezed his brother more. He can feel it, Tae Jun is now thin and bones. His temperature changed, he became a little cold. Is this the feeling of dying?

"Thank you," Tae Jun tried to use his strength to hug his brother back. "Thank you for coming to see me, the day in the amusement park. I enjoyed it." He lowered down his head and leaned on Taehyun's shoulders. "Thank you for forgiving me. I want to see you before I go," 

"No!" Taehyun parted from their hug and looked Tae Jun in the eyes. He was stunned. How can he remain calm and smiling at times like this? Will he be greedy if he wishes to see Tae Jun cry and cling on to him? 

With the small space between their faces, Tae Jun observed his brother's face for the last time. He wiped the tears from Taehyun's eyes. "Don't cry," then he patted the male's head. "You've suffered enough. I don't want you to cry again" In a split second, the jolt of pain struck him straight to his chest. His arms fell down, which made Taehyun panic. 

"Tae Jun!! I will call the doct---" he was pulled back. "No need, I'm fine," Tae Jun protested.

"Lay down," Taehyun let him and held his hands instead. "Tae Jun, please come back after this operation," He pleaded as the tears fell again. "Please c-c-come b-back" 

Tae Jun knew everything. Even if he wanted to, it's impossible. He couldn't even breathe and if he cried, it would just make him more weak. He's been trying to control his emotions in front of Taehyun because he didn't want him to blame himself. "Taehyun, I want a hug" 

Taehyun jolted and hugged his brother. This time, he felt Tae Jun's breaths getting slower and deeper beside his ears. He grasped him and felt the warmth slowly fading away. "Tae Jun," his voice cracked with his shaking legs. "I love you so much, you're too precious to suffer this, please don't give up," he pleaded.

As the piece of glass inside Tae Jun's chest shattered, all of their memories played in his eyes vividly. The tears he's been holding for too long slowly caressed his cheeks. Tae Jun cried silently while leaning on Taehyun's chest. "Taehyun, T-Thank y-you" small sobs escaped his lips. "I'm s-sorry, I n-need to go this early," then his chest became tight.

"Don't say that!" Taehyun yelled. "I'm sorry because I'm too childish and paranoid to take care of you. I stole everything from you. I don't deserve this!! Tae Jun, please hold on! Please let me show you I completely left that darkness." He brushed the male's hair. "J-Just please!" 

Tae Jun pulled away. "I can't stay any longer," he looked Taehyun in the eyes. "Even in another life, I will always choose you to be my brother," for the last time, he smiled. "You're the best brother in the world, I love y-you too"

The end was painful. Taehyun watched Tae Jun's hands slowly fall down on the hospital bed as his eyes gently closed on their own, leaving a smile on his thin lips. The machines rang in his ears while showing a straight line.

Tae Jun finally left. 



DICCU: Jinli, it's the end.. please come with me to the next world, we need to advance.

[Diccu, I-I-I…]

DICCU: It's okay, the system will automatically erase your sad memories here. You will remember only the happy times as we advance to the next world.

[It's s-so p-painful]

DICCU: I know, I know, calm down...we still have more worlds to explore. Do your best, okay? Let's go?

As Jinli nodded her head, the system rang…