World 4.7

  "How are you feeling, Your Highness?" 

Cain fixed the blanket, making sure that the Prince would not catch a cold. He stepped backwards and bowed. 

Elric spun his head straight and stared blankly at the ceiling for a couple of minutes. He put his one arm above his chest and sighed. "I guess I'm fine," he replied. He then felt his heartbeat going normal. "The potion from Ken really helped me." he mumbled.

"Well, I will be now taking my leave to let you rest, Your Highness" Cain bowed his head then he checked the surroundings before turning his heels onto the door. He turned off the light and quietly exited the Prince's room. 

He asked two of the guards to watch the Prince's room for him. He will also take Prince Kenley to his room to rest. The night is already deep and the other royal can just take the carriage tomorrow morning. 

With his light footsteps, he trailed the fancy hallways with the maids and butlers, giving respect to him. Cain told them to take a rest too because it's already late. He checked the fitting room and found out that the place was already empty. 

"Where are they?" he asked himself. He looked around and saw another guard from the entrance of the first manor. He stopped by there to ask. "His Highness Prince Kenley went to the Palace Garden with the Rabbien," they said. 


Riri's feet almost twirled while trailing the pathway with bushes blooming flowers magically under the night. Even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't. How can he go back if Prince Kenley is grasping his wrist very tight while they're both running around? The Third Prince of the Valentius Kingdom dragged him like an excited kid wanting to play in an amusement park. 

"Y-Your H-H-Highness!!! Please s-slow down!" Riri protested, remembering that he still had a delicate body in this world. 

Instead of getting an answer, he was stunned. Riri completely froze with his mouth half open the moment Prince Kenley let him go. The sweet fragrance from the falling petals fluttering in the wind invaded his nose. It travels through his system, giving him a blushing face. The atmosphere turned calm and gentle as he realized that they were under a big blooming magnolia tree with silvery white flowers. 

"Isn't it beautiful? This is the best spot to spend the night under the moon" Prince Kenley tucked his hair on his ears and smiled brightly. His face glowed under the moon and it illuminated a goddess aura. 

Riri was taken aback. "Why?" he uttered. "Why did His Highness bring me here?" he asked.

Prince Kenley reached out one hand and caught a petal falling from a tree. He gazed at this soft silvery white petal in his palm and said. "Do you know that if you catch a petal or a leaf before it touches the ground, a miracle will happen"

Riri's eyes quickly turned to the Prince, "Eh? Is that even possible, Your Highness?" he asked. 

The Prince pouted his lips and blew the petals away, then he put his hands behind and bent his waist a little while saying, "Yes, it is!"

The atmosphere turned dim when the thin clouds passed by and hid the moon to its surface. It took a minute before everything lightened up once again. Prince Kenley lifted his chin and looked at the moon, shining warmly on them. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" 

Dazed, Riri uttered. "Yes"

The Prince found something amusing from the answer he got. His heels turned closer to the Rabbien as he watched Riri's long hair touch his shoulders. The night breeze gave them chills, and it led both of their eyes to stare at each other. 

[Ehh? Why is he so close?]

Riri tried to widen the distance between them by stepping backward. Prince Kenley touched the male's cheeks and tucked his hair in his ears. "You're so very red," he commented, chuckling. 

"I apologize, Your Highness!!" Riri turned his gaze away. The wide garden welcomed him and then a moment of silence followed it. He wanted to ask what the Prince wanted to say about that miracle. Come to think of it, Cain also told him that an Artemian blessed under the power of the Moon God can help Prince Elric. 

He jolted as he followed the Prince to lean under the branches of the magnolia tree. "Y-your Highness, can I ask you a question?" 

Prince Kenley put his hands behind his head and leaned on the tree. "Don't you want to stay under the moon?" Instead of getting an answer, he replied with a question, too.

"Ehh?" Riri tilted his head. "What do you mean, Your Highness?" he asked. He took a seat next to the Prince. 

"Artemians strengthen their mana by staying under the moonlight, because they are blessed by the Moon God. It can help them," Prince Kenley turned his gaze upwards. "Elric's curse is his parent's punishment" 

'Punishment?' Riri thought. 

He remained silent. Thinking that Prince Kenley is doing such things just to heal the Prince of this kingdom, it leads him to another idea. 'Did he also like Prince Elric?'

The Prince giggled like he saw through Riri's mind. "You tried to heal him, did you? I saw a trace of your mana from his body" 

Riri fell silent, recalling what he did to Prince Elric this morning. That white light from him must be his mana as an Artemian. "Your Highness, can I help the prince?" 

It stupefied Prince Kenley for a second. He stares at Riri for a while before opening his lips. "D-Do you want to help h-him?". Even if he knew that Riri was an Artemian blessed under the Moon, he wasn't expecting help from him. Rabbiens were fragile when they were using their mana. It will become a big risk for him. 

With no doubt, Riri nodded his head immediately. 'If this will help me in my mission, then I will do it' he thought, clenching his fist.

"I will do it, Your Highness!"