World 4.9


[After all, communication is the key!]

Riri hopped on Prince Elric's lap with his ears upwards. His size was like a normal cat, so he's tall enough to reach the guy's chin. 'Can you really understand me in my Rabbien form?' he asked again with his sparkling deep blue eyes. 

Prince Elric turned his gaze and rubbed his nape. "Of course I can, though this is so sudden." He placed one hand under his chin. "Come to think of it, the pain in my chest disappeared when you did that to me," 

'Of course, I have powers too! I have my own mana!' Riri protested while clenching his long ears. He then prepared himself and was about to tap the Prince's chest when a loud but soft voice resounded from the hallways.


The door opened.

"Elric!!" With his disheveled expression and heavy breaths, the Third Prince of the Valentius Kingdom dashed towards the bed. He gently grasped Elric's shoulders and examined his being from head to toe. 

That sudden interruption startled Riri that he almost fell from the bed, though Prince Kenley caught him with one hand. "Geez, I didn't know that you're also here," he mumbled. He placed the Rabbien on the bed and rubbed his head before turning back to Prince Elric. "I already told you to take care of yourself," he snorted. "You're so stubborn!" he pursed his lips out.

That cute gesture from the flowery Prince made Elric smile and shy at the same time. He watched Prince Kenley's lips pout in silence while checking his body. "I-I'm sorry," he mumbled.

[Ehh?! Did he just apologize?!]

DICCU: You heard it right

[I knew it! He's too soft when it comes to Prince Kenley. Hmm..He's probably head over heels to this Prince]

DICCU: And you need to break them 

[Diccu, you don't need to remind me of that!]

Riri also pursed his lips in the corner while watching the two princes. He then recalled that Prince Elric only tried to dodge away all Cain's scolding while here he is now, apologizing to his fated one. 'What a sweet couple,' he mumbled unconsciously.

Forgetting that Prince Elric could see him in his Rabbien form, he received a gaze from the guy with a look 'It's not like that!' 

"What are you two looking at each other? Do you think you can lure me away?," Prince Kenley stepped backwards and gazed at Riri and Elric alternatively. "If Cain didn't tell me about this, you two will do something, right?" he snorted. 

Riri's long ears flopped down and then he averted his gaze by showing an innocent face. Did Cain really inform the Prince that he's going to heal Prince Elric? But how did he know, though? Or is it because Prince Kenley knows this is already coming?

"Riri, I told you that you can help Elric because you are blessed under the Moon God, but not in this way," Prince Kenley scolded him. "Don't tell me that you're planning to heal Elric every time he gets wounded?" 

Riri jolted. That's his plan in the first place and he already got busted. He whistled and acted like he didn't know what Kenley was talking about. 

[Didn't Cain tell me that Prince Kenley was helping Prince Elric with his curse? I guess I need to step out since I'm not needed anymore]

Prince Elric grabbed Prince Kenley's arms. "Did you tell him?!" he exclaimed with a flustered face. Showing a troublesome expression, his brows twitched as he lowered his head. "Did you tell him about my curse?" his voice turned down. 

Prince Kenley then sighed and tried to hide it. But his childhood friend was quick to see through him. Though he didn't mean to invade the Prince's life, he still at least wanted to let Riri know about the curse. "I did not tell him all the details," he said, rubbing his forehead. He faced the Rabbien with his twitched eyebrows, "You should be careful, do you know that it's too dangerous to use your mana on him every time!"

Prince Kenley put his hands on his waist. "Do you want to kill yourself?" He poked Riri's forehead. Before he could scold the Rabbien, Prince Elric grabbed his arms. "Stop," he said.

The atmosphere turned heavy, and it brought everyone to silence. Prince Elric tightened his grip around the other Prince's wrist like he's pleading to keep everything from Riri.

For the first time, Riri felt something heavy inside his chest. He saw Prince Elric's eyes full of sadness. His eyes reflecting something so deep and painful that he didn't want anyone to see. The Rabbien then lowered his gaze with his ears flopped down. 'I'm sorry,' Riri mumbled. 

[I feel like he wanted a part of him that he didn't want me to see]

DICCU: Well, let's leave it like that. The system will give you the information, anyway.

Prince Kenley's worried expression turned soft as he carried Riri in his arms. "I'm sorry, but I need some time alone with Elric" he rubbed the Rabbien's head and walked towards the door. 

Beside the door, Cain was standing straight as if he's guarding the Prince's room. The knight looked at them for a second before taking Riri from Prince Kenley's hands. He bowed his head. The Prince asked him to leave the room for a while and took Riri away. Cain didn't ask why since he already knew that the Prince was here to check on Prince Elric's condition. 

They both walked away and found themselves in the Palace Garden for the second time. Riri hopped from the knight's embrace and rolled on the soft green grasses. He faced the sky with lots of questions running through his mind. He sighed and then, faced up, he stretched his small and short right arm. 'If I want to help him, at least I need to be in my human form first,' he mumbled to himself. 

The expression from Prince Elric earlier didn't leave his mind. It imprinted on him like the scars from your first wounds. All he wanted was to heal the Prince, but it ended up being a risk for him. 

[I wonder, what risk Prince Kenley was talking about?]