World 4.36

"How are you feeling?" 

Elric stayed by Riri's side until the medication finished. It is indeed true that the extract of the Inseria plant can heal an Artemian. 

Prince Kenley was the one who made the potion for Riri. After letting the Rabbien drink the medicine, the bruises on his right arm faded slowly. 

Riri lifted his head and leaned on the sofa. The heavy feeling and throbbing from his arm finally disappeared. It made him sighed. Who wouldn have thought that those chains aren't just ordinary ones. 

"The potion will let you feel sleepy and sluggish so don't move around for now and rest," Prince Kenley brushed the Rabbien's hair while smiling at him. He put all of his materials in the box. "Do you want me to watch you?" he asked.

From the side of his eyes, he caught Prince Elric's cold eyes. Kenley laughed, "Well, Even if I want to, Elric wouldn't let me," he said with a teasing smile.