World 5.37

The bell rang for the first period. 

Doyoon, with his heavy footsteps, was about to head outside the clinic when he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you going to stay away from me to let him stay?" 

His heels turned to the small cubicle on the right side. He parted the thin curtain and found Hyun-woo laying on the bed there.

The school nurse saw and said that he should accompany his friend towards the guidance office.

  From his cheeks, Hyun-woo got these patches on his chin and his head was bleeding underneath that bandage. 

As soon as he realized that Doyoon was looking at him, he looked away. "Geez, that psycho hit me real hard," he said, rubbing his head.

"What did you do to him that he did to you?" Doyoon asked.