World 6.18

Gray headed up the stairs with all of his things. He opened the second room in the hallways, next to Calix's room.

However, an idea came into his mind the moment he passed by the male room's door. Come to think of it, he never got the chance to take a look at Calix's room, and just by seeing it right now makes his heart pound.

He turned his head as if he's scanning the hallways. There was no one there except him. It was a good opportunity.

Even if he's already welcomed there, Gray couldn't help but feel the heavy tension on him. The sweats formed into his forehead as if he's doing something bad. 

'He'll never know, right?' He whispered to himself, raising his hand.

He was about to grab the knob when the door of the bathroom on the left side of the corner of the hallways opened.

Gray jolted back with the hair on his back standing up. To his surprise, his eyes met Yukio.