World 7.26

Xiu Yan sighed as he exited the locker room. Today, they were going to have their P.E class. It was the subject he hated the most. Sheng followed him behind. Almost deeply frowning. 

"Should I injure my knees to excuse myself?" he mumbled to himself. After realizing what he just mumbled, he slapped his cheeks. 'What am I even thinking about getting injured before my very first photoshoot?!' 

Sheng clung into his arms. "I don't want to go," she shrugged. "Please hide me, tell them that I got my monthly period." 

Xiu Yan gasped, "You are so unfair, I will never do that. Let's suffer together!" 

The lady walking next to him towards the gym giggled. Everything was already set. They did some stretching to warm up before going to the open field. It was their stamina quiz. They're going to run in pairs with a ribbon tied around their ankles.