World 7.42


Sheng and Xiu Yan looked at each other with awe, and excitement as their eyes beamed. Who would want to believe it? It was only the second day and, based on the contract; they were only going to do some photoshoots. 

"Yes! A promotional video!" Miss Feng clasped her hands and grinned widely, with Mister Min beside her. The two of them shared the same radar and beamed while looking at Xiu Yan. 'We will not waste a pretty face like this,' both of them thought.

"I'm sorry. Is it too rushed for you? Are you…uncomfortable with it, Miss Xiu?" Mister Min asked, letting his imaginary ears flop down like a puppy. 

The cross-dresser guy immediately waved his hands. "No, no! It's not like that!" he breathed. "It's just that I can't believe it! I mean..I'm still a newbie," he said, completely embarrassed. Even though Sheng gave him some tips, it was only useful for the photoshoot. A video is different.