First Trial Test

…Past Danny's story…

Exactly one year ago, before I met you… I fucked up… big time.

"I'm gonna name you Johnathan." 

I told the first little white rat as I put a collar on him with a J on it. 

"You're gonna be Logan." 

I put a collar on the next with an L on it. 

"I'm gonna call you Allstar and you'll be Zar."

I put the A and Z collars on the remaining two respectively.

"And you, your gonna be Dreamstar." I told the last one. The rat nodded while staring at me. 

I had been creating a drug, made in a similar way to crystal meth, which had been spreading fast in the city.

At first Johnathan was tested on and he got… high, well as high as a rat can get. "Nope that doesn't work." I adjusted the formula. It wasn't supposed to make him like that it was supposed to make him… sober in a way. 

Then the next time I tested it on Logan, and he got energized. "Well this is a step in the right direction." That was much better, he was so cute running around the cage and rubbing against my hands.

Eventually I got it right with Dreamstar. It lasted seventeen hours in Dreamstar's system, then three days later I made eighteen shots . "Test day one." like some sort of heroine addict I tied my arm and injected it in one of my veins.

I looked at the calendar and my eyes widened, I have school in one hour. "Crap!" The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was going to be late. Must take a longer time to start in humans than I thought, I had no time to check. I got dressed in black jeans, a blue t-shirt, emerald necklace, running shoes, and a blood red leather jacket.

I ran outside grabbing my bag on the way. My older sister, basically my mother, saw me rushing, "Is your brother going with you?" 

If my eyes could get even wider to match my surprise then I would have eyes bigger than my head. "So I completely forgot but he's going on a field trip anyway." I then bolted. My sister was only a nine years older than me but she raised me and paid for everything in my life that I didn't buy myself. She was about the same size as me, lighter skin tone, and she had athletic build that came from years of sports in her childhood to college.

I got to the edge of the street when my mother noticed the car. "Danny look out!"

I looked to my left and saw a car coming to him a what seemed like a mile a minute, which is over the speed limit. "Stop!"…

…I heard a voice at the back of my head. Wave of clarity, calmness, adrenaline and energy washed over him. "What do I do." I said more or less to myself.

"Pick up and move your left leg 90 degrees to the right then move said leg two feet in front of your right foot, then strike the ground as hard as you can with it, 100 percent got it." Yeah. He thought.

As he was doing the movements as the voice instructed, he could feel the contractions and expansions of his muscles slowly increasing to 100 percent and knew how strong that was gonna be. His foot struck the ground, bouncing him back, tripping him, and putting a small crack in the ground. I was no slouch in the physical department as you know, stronger and fitter than most but that was just ridiculous. "That was close." I sighed with relief that I was safe. 

"Looks like adrenaline is what activates it in humans?" I had said aloud but directed toward the voice. "Now what was that." I questioned the voice. 

The voice didn't answer.

"Well then we'd better get to school." He said to the voice.

My mother ran out. "Are you okay, Danny?" She said with worry.

"I'm good the car just barely brushed me." I stated.

"Okay!" She was relieved. "Thought I'd have to drive you to the hospital or call 911."

"Yeah well I'm good. So see ya later." I said with a smirk.

He ran around and picked up a radio at a very shifty store, it was a police's. The place was creepy. "So that'll be forty dollars." I walked around and bumped into a man there. He was wearing a suit. I'd later come to know him as the CEO of Coca Citri, but in that moments he was shady drug dealer guy. He smelled of drugs, and although Daniel had never parttaken in it himself he could distinctly pick out what they were, meth and cocaine, his dilated pupils, and erratic speech to whoever he was on the phone with did nothing to help his case. looked in the direction he came from and saw a woman, she looked like a homeless drug addict. I continued to school.