The Cabin (Part 2)

"Just be quiet and it will be okay," I whispered to myself.

     Sounds were coming from all directions taking my head with it. I was hoping for another loud bang, but it all ended at once. In my opinion the stillness was more spookier than actual noises.

     "Keep it together Kara," I muttered to myself.

     Knock! Knock!

     I cocked my head steadily to look at my window. There it was right there looking at me!

     My eyes shot open wide as if I had seen a ghost. I had to catch my breath because I was in shock. It had something in its gloved hand.

     What looked like a tool, a very big tool, that's used for chopping and cutting. An axe.

     Ha! Ha!

     "Leave me alone!" I yelled, about to cry.

     Its eyes were like a whirlpool about to suck you in.

     "Ah! Go away!" I shrilled.

     I was already halfway out of my seat.

     "Ow!" I cried, because broken glass stabbed my arm.

     My arm bled lightly.

     Ha! Ha!

     I was stepping on something. It was a red nose. It couldn't have been from that thing. I squeezed the nose, and it made me shrill up inside. It had red, drippy, oozy stuff coming from it.

     Could it be blood.

     "Ew," I said in disgust.

     I turned around to the back seats of my car because I heard the slightest noise. There was a figure dressed blacker than the night sky. That popcorn smell started to come back when I saw the thing. It was munching on something.

     "I think that was my nose," it said creepily.

     "Who are you, and what are you doing in my car?" I asked nervously.

     It didn't respond.

     "Answer me," I said strongly.

     "Your worst nightmare," it said.

     The figure got up revealing itself. It was so huge that it could topple over me. Everything about the figure looked dark and sinister.

     "You don't scare me," I said bravely, knowing the thing did.

     It threw something at me that looked bloody and looked like the remains of an animal.

     "Ah! Oh my gosh, you're a psychopath!" I claimed loudly.

     Ha! Ha!

     It went.

     I opened my door, not even thinking that the clown was still out there lurking and crawled halfway out.

     "Ah! Get off me!" I shouted while kicking.

     I picked up a piece of broken glass on the passenger seat and chugged it right into its masked hand.

     "Ow!" It growled.

     The thing didn't sound nearly as human. It sounded like a vicious monster. I made my escape, but there was a decision either to go back in the creepy cabin or dart in the killer woods. Both options were significantly terrible, but I was better off in the cabin. I ran so fast to the cabin that my legs couldn't stop.

     The door opened with ease. My heart skipped a beat when I opened the door. Because there was a statue of a clown, standing in front of the door.

     "This was not here before," I said confused. "Something must've moved it here."

     It looked like Ronald McDonald the clown, but in a more scarier version. The eyes were the kind to give you shivers. Just staring at them gave me the creepy crawlies. I was frightened to turn my back and close the door. I closed the door softly, and locked it, like that really mattered, while looking behind my back.

     I had no idea what I was doing. Whatever I'm doing, hopefully it's clever.

     "I need a weapon," I said.


     Something made a noise upstairs, and it sounded like a massive footstep.

     "Oh no. I gotta hide," I muttered softly, under pressure.

     I had to think fast where to hide.

     Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! 

     Was all I was repeating in my head.

     I just realized that when I looked down that there was a hidden cross space below the stairs. The door was dirty brown and streaky like the walls. I ran to the small door hastily and kneeled down. I opened the door gently so the maniac wouldn't discern me.

     "Ew," I spoke in a low whisper.

     There were spider webs everywhere, they looked ancient. I wasn't too astounded because this was a cross space.

     Thump! Thump! Thump!

     The footsteps were getting louder.

     I crawled face forward into the old webs and got a tasty treat. The door was nowhere near squeaky, but it was difficult to close. It shouldn't find me here. The first time I actually felt kinda safe. If someone had claustrophobia and was in this tight space, they probably would have a mental breakdown.

     It's dark and silent in here. No other space or room to go into. It was so small that I couldn't even have my legs out. And it had a foul odor, that smelled like death.

     Thump… Thump… Thump…

     I jumped with every step, almost having an anxiety attack. My breathing was above the roof.

     Please, don't come down here.

     I mouthed.

     The footsteps got farther and farther away from me, and I couldn't hear them anymore. A door closed moments later. The time was right to get out of this isolated area to find a weapon. I cracked open the door to see if something was out there. I thought an eye was gonna look at me through the crack, but it was just my imagination.

     Nothing in sight from my perspective.

     "Ok, it's gone," I whispered.

     I pushed the door open delicately and timidly. I crawled out slower than a Sloth so no one could hear me. Spider webs were all over me making me panic. I couldn't waste any time. I had to hurry and move quickly.

     I didn't know what I was doing, but I'll find out. 

     A knife, a knife, a knife.

     I screamed in my head.

     It was in the kitchen waiting for someone patiently. It was a decent sized carving knife. It laid in the center of the counter. This may be a trick, but I need to defend myself somehow. I walked gradually to the island in the center of the kitchen to retrieve the knife.

     It felt like this was a game or worse an escape room. I was the mouse and they were the vicious cat. I really hope I'm not falling into a trap. I reached out and grasped the knife so tight that I couldn't let go.

     "Ah," I said softly.

     The power went out and everything was pitch black. I guess this was a trick. I held the knife ready to attack. If something was to come, I wouldn't be able to see it. How could I forget about my phone.

     It had a flashlight on it. At least my phone is good for something. I don't want one of these things to spot me though. After a long pause, a radio began playing in the living room. It scared me half to death to where I almost peed my pants.

     The music was the same music earlier this night. Circus music. This time it sounded more spooky. This was it, I turned on my phone flashlight, and I was walking to the noise. I had found the radio sitting on the wooden table in the center space of the sofas.

     I went to turn it off when my flashlight caught something. I immediately pointed my light at it. It was just a statue of a clown that startled me. It must've been a statue because it wasn't moving one bit. That was never there before.

     It had a discomforting smile that made me feel uneasy. I wanted to touch its face so badly for some reason even though I was troubled. I thought about it, and that was a big fat no. Instead, I walked away to the front door to escape this circus. But the radio turned on again making me jump out of my skin.

     It wasn't music this time, but it was a horrible laugh. I had to stay strong, so I decided not to run. To stay here and fight them off. At least, I have a knife that can protect me. Looking back over at the radio it was still in the same spot, but I had no idea how it turned back on.

     That clown figure's face wasn't like that at first.

     I wondered in my head.

     The face was more creepier, but now it was more jolly. It had its mouth opened. I walked over to it with my light from my phone in one and my knife held out in the other.

     "I know you're real," I got out quietly.

     Then, I stabbed the knife into its arm and pulled it out.


     It shrilled.

     I backed away shocked at that roar. The clown got up, and it hovered over me. It looked at the wound where I stabbed it and sucked the blood like a cannibal. Then, it eyed me with blood all over its mouth and white chin. It made me shiver in my skin.

     The clown started walking toward the door, guessing it was shielding the exit, so I was held hostage. It crept up to me. I moved back touching the stair rail.

     "We wanna play!" It said while laughing.

     I ascended the staircase slowly.

     "Ah!" I yelped in terror.

     There were clowns coming from the back rooms of the cabin. They were all saying the same thing constantly making my head spin, "We want to play".

     "Get away from me," I cried.

     They were getting closer, and closer, and closer. I was ascending as they were getting closer. I jolted up the squeaky stairs and headed to the room I was sleeping in.


     The door went when I slammed the door to lock it.

     I backed away from the door shining my flashlight at it. There had to be at least seven of them.

     Bang! Bang!

     "Little pig, little pig let me in! Ha ha!" A clown said.

     "Go away!" I cried. "What do you want from me!"

     "Your blood!" One of them said.

     I crawled back into a corner with my knees and my head down to weep. I grasped my phone with the flashlight illuminating the room. My phone was about to die, and I needed to conserve because I needed light. My finger tapped the button, and I was sitting in the complete darkness. Not thinking about my phobia roaming around the halls.

     I was just thinking about home and where my mom was. She probably is snug up in her bed, while I'm over here running away from monstrous psycho killers. I wept in the corner letting everything come out. There was a loud sob that sounded like agony itself. It wasn't me crying.

      My crying came to a halt, followed by a sniffle to finish it off.


     The bathroom door opened gradually.

     "Hello," I said, trying to get the words out.

     It was still sobbing. I whipped out my phone again to see what was in the bathroom. I slowly crept to the bathroom.

     "I can help you," I said, knowing I actually couldn't.

     "They'll kill you," it said in a low whisper cry.

     I already know that.

     I thought.

     It sounded like a girl, but you could never be sure around here.

     "Who are you?" I asked curiously.