A walk in the past I l

I couldn't believe what was hearing and what I

Was seeing with my eyes it brought me to tears knowing that my mother had been living a horrid life after my death and she is only one who mourned me which fueled my anger what happened

"Your highness for that we have travel further back in past." holding belair's hand jumped into a another time portal filled with pure cosmic energy as we made away through the different time periods until we landed two years in the past.

it was summer of 1827 the sound of celebrations and cheer fill the castle walls.

You're father king Reuben of Ethos had just a signed a an alliance treaty with king Carl of krissile in order a political stronghold on other kingdoms In the region the alliance was to be sealed with a marriage between you and his son prince Philip as the drunk beer celebrating up coming union of their two great kingdom

but your Father didn't know you had already fallen for another prince Aaron of Ariel ,Upon arrival that day your dad told that you would be getting married in two days time your facial expression completely changed your were clearly furious with your fathers decision and immediately where objecting the idea of bieng another's in your opinion you only belonged to Aaron and no one else

This angered your father he couldn't bear that you wouldn't do as he says all because you loved prince Aaron he wasn't going to allow it cause prince Aaron came from are lesser kingdom compared to Ethos "I will not let you drag my name in the mud , you will not marry Aaron and that's final."

"But father ."

"But nothing, the alliance Has been set if you refuse it then you're mother will pay for insubordination , do you hear me."king rueben meaning every word

Yes father you said as you left with no choice but inside your where dying how could belong to another but you also knew father and he would carry out his threat by wounding your mother like he has done several times in the past

"Tonight we shall have a ball to announce your up coming nuptials , make sure you don't embarrass me ." King Reuben said giving a stern look to princess Athena who couldn't help but feel sorry for herself but her mother came first in everything she did

"I wouldn't dream it of father ." Athena said curtsying

"Go get ready prince Philip and his family will be here shortly ." king Reuben said overwhelmed with joy about his upcoming position in the political world

But Princess Athena only had emense pain in heart but she knew if she disobeyed her father her poor mother would be beaten to a pulp and she couldn't bear seeing her mother in any sort of pain was ready to sacrifice even her life if necessary, filled with tears in her brown eyes Athena made the painful ascend to her her room to prepare for an ball she didn't want to be part of late alone attend but due to helplessness she had no choice

While in her room her ladies maid Camilla and Stephanie began to prepare her

"Your highness your lucky , you were about to engaged to the most eglible bachelor , Prince Philip he is wealthy and handsome ."Camilla said brushing Princess Athena's chocolate brown hair

"Not mention charming and after he see's you he will melt You look lovely. Stephanie added

And indeed Princess Athena looked beautiful her long chocolate brown hair was curled covered in beautiful flowers and gold ornaments that shaped her soft and delicate features. That , she was a goddess of beauty but inside she felt like death it was like she going on burial how could she be happy yet her heart belonged to another adorned in a beautiful ball gown are only thought was suicide . Athena was seconds a way from slitting her wrists but the at thought her mother she couldn't, all she could do was bear the pain she had within, as her lady maids continued adorn her with jewelry and make up

Loud cheer and confetti Fill the streets of Ethos for thier beloved princess was to be married and a ball was to be held. Invites had been sent to all the neighboring kingdoms , it was to be the ball of the century, whoever was any one was going to be there. Night Fell and the castle was illuminated by bright lights , lighting the entrance making it shimmer in humble brilliance

Once in the space made you feel so small. Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the arching sky - Murrow ceiling, illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like iced over lake. the ballroom smelt rose and heavy perfume with decorations strewn everywhere. Giving the room a regal glow.

Men in straight black suits led the ladies in beautiful bright gowns to the dance floor who swaying happily with their partners making small conversations, as they danced to soft soothing music played by the ocestra . The older men and women sat along the walls at beautiful adorned tables trying to decide who they would marry their children off to.

"My I present her royal highness princess Athena," The announcer called.

All heads turned to her in Awwh , she slowly walked down the staircase with grace and poise . As everyone stared in admiration They were all happy to see her . She wasn't like all the other girll she was kind graceful and drop dead gorgeous . beautiful in every way , her was dress was inched at the waist and twirled down into shocks of midnight blue, Athena exuded elegance. walked through the crowd, a few young men

bowed in politeness showing her respect but all Athena wanted to do was leave she wanted nothing to do with celebrations or the upcoming wedding she tried pretending outing on a fake smile when all she wanted to do was cry un able to bear her pain any longer she decided to make her back to her room, when She accidentally bumped into someone.

,A thud as she hit the floor and decided that I she couldn't hold in my tears any longer. It was too much to bear she dared to look up she realizes that it was bethroned

"Oh, I'm so sorr-" he began, but stopped when She looked up.

"May I have a dance?" he asked wish a soft smile on his face.

Athena was furious he had tripped her , now he had the audacity to ask for a dance, all she wanted was kill him where he stood. Cause nothing would bring her more pleasure but her hands were tied , cause if anything happened to Philip the king would hurt her mother , so keeping it in mind she bows and offers her silk navy blue gloved hand to Phillip .

Loud soothing sounds played by olestra laid the stage , Philip grabbed Athena hand firmly as they began to waltz to the music . Spinning in circles and shuffling their feet to the slow instrumental stylings , they lost in rhythmic bliss even more when their eyes met . His eyes were a warm crystal blue color causing Athena knees to buckle. Not forgetting her soft red lips which quivered under his touch .

Never had a man caused such sensations in Athena before, he slightly narrowed his eyes and let out a small chuckle exposing his pearly white teeth. Philip leaned down to kiss Athena


Find out happened in the next chapter