Chapter 21: Little Loli

The village here is called Sidong village of the mantis clan.

Village in the mountains are always vulnerable to wild beasts attacks, robbery from other village clans and constant disturbance.

Every day they live in fear for one day that this village might perish. Most of the elites from this village have lost their lives from protecting it. Now only less than 100 people are left including the old village chief, some widows and their children and other young teenagers who just grew up.

In the middle of the house, the old village chief sat at the centre, while all the rest of people sat beside the old village chief.

"Old chief, what should we do? Even if we support ourselves, our strength is not enough." One of the young man beside the cheftian said.

This young man has slanted eyes as if seeing something, straight nose, black hair, with a sword on his waist with full body armour equipped.

"Today I called you all for a meering because I don't know what will happen in the future but my instincts tell me that today a turnaround will happen!" Old cheftian's voice aounded in the hall sonourously.

These young people they didn't believe of what their old chief is saying. After all they are young, they don't know where the heights are.

Some got angry but they don't dare make a judgement in fromt of old chief but under burning anger and red eyes, some brave courageous people will come forward.

"Old chief, even though we respect you as a leader of our clan, it doesn't mean that we should not bare our fangs and our enemies can do whatever they want! If this is the decision you choose, I will go and kill the enemies!" One of the young warrior with a burly muscles stood out and shouted with pain.

Everyone knows this young man is very strong with physical body but he acts rashly always. If not for his wise brother standing beside the old chief he would have thrown a tantrum.

"Jirou Nan, calm down. Our chief doesn't say nonsense, there must be something behind old chieftian's words. Even I'm pissed off with the enemy, not only you, whole village is angry, do you think that our old chieftian is not angry?" Young man beside the old chieftain with a sword on his hilt clamed his brother.

"Big brother You Jian, ok big brother." Jirou Nan calmed down after thinking it carefully.

"Jirou, I always tell you to think carefully before taking action. One day if you act too rashly, your life, I can't guarantee it because I won't be there all the time. So try to calm down and you are not a kid anymore." You Jian reminded him again.

If Jirou Nan was not from this village, he would not bother to remind him again and again. After all they are off the same village.

"Ok, seems you all have understood, I won't bother with the details. Now what we must do is protect the clan." Old chieftian sighed.

Now he is old. This year he is 80 years old. He wants to retire and hand the mantle to younger generation but things keeping bugging him. He shook is head wryly secretly thinking: "Seems the world is gonna change. Which direction are we heading?"

At evening, at the entrance of village, an old man wearing tattered clothes looking like a beggar with a walking stick, quiver on his waist, bow on his back, stood there silly.

This old man is naturally Xin who transformed himself into an old man.

This is the first time he saw so many houses and people going in and out of their home and chatting.

The guards who were at the gate are young people and one of them came and stopped him from entering the village.

He looked at the old man up and down and said:

"Old man, what is the purpose of your visit to this village?"

Xin heard it but hearing his questioning tone, it seems that there are many people like this in this outside world, he thought.

"I'm tired of travelling all day, can you kindly give me some food and shelter for this old man? Xin calmly replied.

Hearing his answer the guard frowned and finally said: "Okay."


Xin walked calmly and suddenly he don't know where to go, so he felt embarrassed and turned back to the guard, "Young brother, can you help me? I don't know anyone in this village."

"Okay, seeing that you are old, I trust that you don't have any motives. You can come and stay in my house for time being."

One old man and young guard walked together to the north side of the hut. Eventhough there are not many people in the village, it gives a feeling of warmness.

Feeling the village chatterness of lively people, Xin was delighted. Children playing, running in circles with their friends, enjoying the moment, this is also one of the rare delicacies in this world to remember.

At this moment: "Grandpa, grandpa, why do you hold this thing?" A cute girl around age of three or four, with a pony tail wearing old linen clothes made of animal skin, determined eyes, asked Xin.

"This one is called Bow and this is called quiver." Xin affectionly pointed to his back and at his waist where bow and quiver are on his back.

"Grandpa, do you know martial arts? Can you teach me? I want to beat up all those people-"

"Wei Yang, what are you doing here? Are you not playing with your friends?" The guard looked at her and said sternly interrupting her sentence before she could finish.

Xin sighed. He could see that there are not many old generation in this village. It seems everybody is vigilant and working tirelessly.

Finally, they both came to an old hut which is not big but enough for two people to stay. This hut is around 20 square meters.

The guard looked at him and said: "Old man, you can stay here for one day and you can leave tomorrow."

With that said, the guard closed the door and went back at his posts.