Chapter 62: The incomplete vicious curse of Eternal Curse.

After finishing checking the body of old man Xi through his pulse, old man Ku, shook his head unable to get any details and understanding of the problem.

"Brother Ku, how is his illness? Is it curable?" Middle-aged man Zong nervously asked.

To cure any disease from an sick person, the root of the cause must be found first.

After finding the main cause, the treatment plan is specified in deatils which is very easy to treat.

Without the room of the cause, it's only an assumptions which are of many to be made.

It's is not an lack of knowledge or either by incompetence, some of the books which records ancient era were lost due to war.

If one has to find those books, they could only scratch the surface of summary.

These requires continous research with unimaginable amount of resources.

But will the cultivators agree? There is bound to be some cause which the eyes of foxes and theives getting their attention.

No one wants to go this type of phenomenon and get their clan or family exterminated.

Xin who was standing aside, understood the problems at glance.

The body old man Xi is indeed like having different types of foreign invaders on his body.

Each invader taking different form and taking a refugee in his body.

If it's not cured, he will die sooner or later.

He strode forward and took the pulse of the old man.

The others didn't notice how he advanced.

Taking the short moment, he had thorough understanding of the body.

"What are you doing?" Middle-aged man Zong hurriedly asked.

"I can try to cure your old man." Xin said nervously.

This is his first time treating an sick person. There is a difference between sick person and unlocking different Acupoints in the human body.

"Really?" This time both the Old man Ku and Middle-aged man Zong, asked in surprise with their eyes opened wide.

"Yes." Xin replied with confidence.

"When can you start the treatment process?" Old man Zong asked hurriedly.

"The sooner, the better, so I will start now." Xin said.

"Okay." Old Zong agreed.

"Make him lie on bed." Xin ordered.

After all sooner the treatment, better is the hoped-for.

Xin took out different sets of needles with wide variations.

Inserting golden needle first at forehead acupoint, then stone needles at heart acupoint.

These two are main life lines of a human body.

The main function of Gold needle inserted at the forehead acupoint is to keep the brain function be at ease and Stone neddle inserted at the heart acupoint is to keep the heart beat minimum without resulting any damage to the body.

With these two life insurances, taking out several needles, Xin inserted the Wooden needle to his left side of the body acupoints, and Steel needles to the right side of his body acupoints.

After inserting all the acupoints on his body, Xin sat down and relaxed.

Inserting needles at different acupoints on the body of the old man, drained all his energy.

It's not simple as it is from the looks of it. Each needle inserting at different accupoints needs to be observed carefully and block the route of the illness.

After Xin stabilized his breathing and energy, "Help me, with your energy, to cure him."

"Okay." Old man Zong and Old man Ku nodded.

They can see from Xin's expression that he drained all his energy to insert the needle on different acupoints on the body of the old man, who is lying in bed.

He stood up and saw the old man has relaxed his body to the required.

Seeing his body relaxed, Xin took a deep breathe and placed his hand on the golden needle which is inserted on the forehead acupoint and the other needles started connecting with it.

"NOW!!!" Xin shouted.

They placed their hands on Xin's back and transferred their Qi on his body.

The needles immediately lit up like a light.


At this moment, Xin directly flicked the Golden needle and Stone needle at same time and all needles vibrated giving out a "Hum" sound.

"Okay, you can stop transferring your Qi. We should wait now!" Xin spoke to them.

They relaxed now. Just now, it seemed that all their energy drained very quickly at a fast pace. They never imagined that treating the old man would require so much energy expense!

"Hum! Hum! Hum!"

The needles gave out vibratory sounds for sometime from all over the body of the old man.

After some time, from the pores of the body of the old man, extreme dark dregs mixed with blood from his right body and Obsidian colour from his left body, oozed out from the pores.

The blood gave out an extreme pungent smell, making them want to puke, unable to bear it, Xin, directly opened the bottle and collected it drop by drop.

They went out of the room, unable to bear it and Xin started to breathe using his skin through pores.

The blood constantly oozed out for one hour untill it was extremely red. Only then did he confirm and relax.

Xin then went out and started breathing normally.

But the smell didn't leave, it lingered around the room for quite sometime.

Wen Yao, who was watching the dieges from beginning to end, was in stupor!

In martial world, there are five existences that one must never offend- one, the strong cultivators; two, the Alchemmists and the Physicians; three, the assassins from different halls; four, the Array and Formation masters, and lastly, the Talisman department and the Refiners.

Although Cultivators and Alchemists are strong, there is one that one can't afford to offend - The Physicians!

Physicians are very rare, to the point that it can be counted on three fingers, whereas Alchemists are countable with dozens of figures.

Last not least the Array and Formation masters for building security measures, and lastly, the Talisman department and the Refiners for making equipments.

These three departments are the most short tempered ones.

Wen Yao, woke up from her shock, eared her thoughts and strode towards Xin.

"Do you know what kind of injuries that old man had?" Wen Yao asked with curiousity.

Xin looked at Wen Yao and answered softly, "He was infected with an incomplete vicious curse."

"WHAT!!!!" This time not only Wen Yao, Even old man Ku and Old man Zong were surprised.

"Do you know that this curse has unimaginable power and he won't be able to survive if it was a comple curse? It's fortunate that it was still incomplete!" Xin politely explained the intricacies hidden behind it.

"Do you know the origin of this curse?" Old man Ku enquired.

"Hehe..., this curse is one of the ancient immemorial curse known as 'Yongheng Zuzhou'; also called - 'Eternal Curse'. As name implies 'Eternal', this person is bound to suffer and accompanied by this curse till death. And every breakthrough of the Cultivation realm is like billions of ants eating your soul. Unless you find Celestial treasures, Hah!, you won't be able to escape it, even if you find heavenly treasures, haha...!"

"Even the Celestial treasures are not guaranteed to fully remove this curse unless you die and dissipate from this world!!!"

Xin told the problems with his actions and explained it softly about the curse and made them 'thump' in their hearts wildly beating it.