
Dad gave me the mic, patted me on the back, then took his seat.

Everybody wants to "fight" God in their own way and on their own terms but that is not how He works. People want to build up strength, courage, cash, konlwedge and all these things behind the scenes before they face their adversary so when they come into the light they can show that they've gotten stronger and something to show but God's not a man of letting you wait. When you have a problem He always brings you to the light in a few days and in front of a big crowd so that you cannot hide and that there will be..witnesses! Back to it.

Sweat dribbled down my face and I desperately clawed at the air for words. The whir of the fan was the only thing that overruled my breathing. I breathed in a little and did what I did best.

"..W..h..at divides the world; is in both land and sky. Is..everywhere and in any state? Has been here before time and will be here once we leave. Light as a feather it is but can move mountains in its quake. Can be invisible yet visible and nothing can be made without it?"

My hands clutched the mic like a bat as I waited for a reply. Seconds ticked by and the fan turned off. 'Someone please,' I thought to myself.

"OO.OOO.OOO!! I know this, Croak said, almost dropping his batter all over the floor.

"I didn't hear the other part but I know the answer."

He set his bowl down and went to stand on the closest table he could find.

" Light as a feather but stronger than a mountain. Invisible yet visible and divides both land and sky. The answer must be water. I remember now that day. I sat in the back row with my head down trying to find an answer then when I did I jumped up so fast; excited with my answer."

Course we didn't know each other at the time but we soon would. I remember your face lighting up and I swear I saw a smile forming on that serious face of yours. You gained your composure and continued,

"Yes, that is the answer. Water, the one thing we all need but sadly most don't have access to the healthyness of it. If I may let me tell you of four ponds I have run across in my journey to find the healthiest water for drinking and recreation. I don't want to downplay the water that God gives but although He says come to Me and I will supply all your needs you still have to do work on your part. It's not like buying online where with just a few clicks you can sit back and do nothing as you wait for your package to arrive because you believe without a doubt that your package will arrive in the said amount of time.

He provides the place and moment but it's on you to show you can get there. Tomorrow we'll see if He is leading us to our first overflowing pond. I'll see you all tomorrow when I can get my head on straight.