The Sword

"Hopper, what are you doing now? Intermissions already over. It has been over for quite some thime now actually."

"Have patience young amphibian anura. I realized that the story is missing something and being that now dad is telling the rest of the story instead of me then it's only fitting he tells it. Now, where did I last see that old….aha."

"What? What did you find?"

"During intermission I remembered something. When I went on any of my quests dad would always bring a mini recorder along that could trap both great video and audio. He would then convert it to tape in order to use on Sundays to get his point across if no one believed him. Now, I use his tapes as a link to the past. Let's see now. This goes here. That goes there. This snugs in tightly like this...turn it on and walaa. Now we can watch it on our projector. Just hit play and sit back."

"Welcome to another episode of Froglegs."

"Dad, I told you to change the name. Plus, you promised you owuldn't take this with you."

"Oh yea; just like you promised to take us to a promised land. My show, my rules, and that means we're sticking with the name. On today's episode we come to another; 'What in the world was Hopper thinking.' We join with Hopper live on this daunting assignment. What in the world were you thinking?"

"Dad, why do you do these? You already make your point on every trip."

"Son, these videos aren't for my benefit or anybody elses but for yours. One day you will look back on our adventures and remember me. Remember who you were and why we do what we do."

"Don't say that. You know I don't like when you talk like that."

"Hops, I'm getting up there in years as you can see and I fear I don't have long to live. This might as well be the last mission we two ever go on."

"So that coughing back there wasn't just allergies?" Hopper said, hanging his head.

"And that red liquid that came out of your mouth wasn't an illusion when I saw it. Dad, don't go," Hopper said, hugging his dad as tight as he could.

"Have you told mom?"

"No. In fact I haven't told anybody. I don't want anybody to worry for me."

"'What you didn't realize was that was the last adventure you two ever did go on."

"Yes, Croak. If I knew that I would've done more, been better, helped where I could. Just...anything, but as you can see; I was young and dumb. Extremely young and extremely dumb."

"Hopper, can you help me make this the best adventure ever?"

"Do frogs have balls?"

"Ummm...yes, but...Good! I'll help you. Now how did you solve these maps before?"

"Ready for some friendly sword fighting?"

"I'm game but I don't think I'll be enough. Folks! Who knows their Bible verses?"

"What kind of question is that," someone yelled.

"My dad has just discovered a map from his older brother but the only way to decipher it we must use Bible verses as clues and also as answers. I know. This journey has turned into a weird expedition and not anywhere close to what I usually take you on but it's for my dad. Can you help him?" I'll make it up to you I promise."

"You kidding. No need to pay us back Hops. This journey is anything but boring. This journey is actually awesome and we would glady love to help your dad in whatever endeavors he needs."

"Some wounds never heal, Hopper," Croak whispered quietly.

"I know. You couldn't stick a bandaid on this one I'm afraid."

"I heard you two talking about only being able to see the map in the dark," another person from the crowd spoke up.

"If I had a brother who gave me mysterious Bibles whenever I got in trouble I would first look for a note somewhere saying, 'I'm with you or something like that, but since none of your Bibles ever came with notes then I suggest the note must have been in the Bible itself.

"Agreed," another chimed in.

"Have you ever wondered why your brother wrote in a pen that could only be seen under night light?"

"No. I just thought he wrote that way so no one else but me would be able to decipher it. I would wait until everybody left, turn off the lights and then follow the map to wherever it led."

"Well sir. If I may; I have talked to your brother once or twice and knowing him I don't think he would be the one to not leave a note. It says in Psalms 23:

'The Lord is my Sheperd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me besides still water and restores my soul. He guides me along the path of righteousness for His name's sake. Yeaa though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Hopper's dad knelt down and a small tear rolled down his cheek.

"I never thought of it like that before. Hops! Do what you do best. Pick it apart."

"You know me too well. First off, I can't say anything bad about this chapter but right away I can see this chapter contains lots of clues. For starters; the Lord is my Sheperd most likely is speaking of a place. A big open pasture if we're relating this to the map. He leads me beside still water. Umm..let's see. This pasture has to be the best of the best grass with a steady stream flowing beside it. But when we get to the valley of the shadow of death this means the pasture is not the final place but leads to a valley under the night sky that is so dark and cold you can't see in front of you. This valley has to be on the side the sun goes down. Your rod and staff comfort me for thou art with me. In the Bible God has led people with pillars of fire by day and there was another one by night but can't remember. Might have it backwards. For this this means he leads you in the valley under the shine of sun during the day and the bright moonlight by night. This valley has to have a clear view of the moon but there will be lots of hungry animals in this valley because of preparing a table for me in the presence of my enemies. He will lead us through to the other side of the valley safely but that doesn't mean we won't come across terrible foes on our quest. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflowith? This could mean there is a big flowing waterfall close to the valley I presume? We need to find that valley."

"Hops, how do you even know this verse is a clue? Maybe it's just a lovely verse your dad's brother wanted him to turn to whenever he felt scared."

"That can't be true. Just like any other book; the Bible has multiple messages in it plus maps and coded things. How do you think they found Solomon's secret tunnels underneath his temple, all the baby boys king Neb dumped in the creak, the houses in the mountains and so many countless more? In order to complete this map we need to dissect the Bible… verse!!