
Who would have thought that he, the one who looks cute and innocent, when he's but an unruly guinea pig; the rodent was about to get away with it, when...

'Jin, don't think you're not in trouble.' Xiao Ling's childish voice echoed in his mind.

'Oh, no!' The rodent looked with its huge black eyes at its chibi Master.

'Oh, yes!' Xiao Ling replied in his mind.

The mist formed in its huge black eyes, its front paws touching its cheeks, its mouth opening and closing and making its whiskers move. The rodent tried to act with a touch of cuteness, but making him seem pitiful.

But that didn't work with Xiao Ling, who in her past life was the iron woman in the business world, being a woman in her late-twenties and having experienced so many setbacks.

Although the baby inside her found it pitiful, she knew better than to give in to the rodent.

'No snacks for a week. Look at the mess you made!' Xiao Ling pouted with a frown. Her cheeks puffed out, making her look more adorable than fear-inspiring, which is what she wanted to do.

'Buuhuuuu' the rodent cried so much that Madam Long, who was watching everything around her, took sympathy of him, thinking 'It looks pitiful because it was a victim of bullying from my children', and got angrier.

'That's Xiao Ling's pet. How can they bully him in front of me.' Looking at the angry little girl, Madam Long became angrier.

'Look at how angry my baby is because they are bullying her pet. This is unbelievable. I must give them a better punishment.'

Determined to implement a strict punishment, Madam Long called the Duo in front of her.

Log Shun and Long Hao, knelt directly in front of her, shivering, they didn't dare to look her directly in the face.

"What were they doing? Running around like wild little animals in broad daylight?" The stern mother came out.

Ashamed, both lower their heads.

Madam Long may be very strict, but she would never raise a hand or a stick to hit her children, but that doesn't take away from scolding them.

"You've grown up now. Worst of all, you are both boys. What is this? Explain!"

Long Shun, being the eldest, had no choice but to start talking.

"We saw the rat at the door of Xiao Ling's room, and we were afraid it might do something to her..."

Long Hao didn't want to be left behind....

"And since the rat is very agile, we couldn't catch it, we were too slow and weak..."

Long Hao may look foolish frequently, but he knows that if he didn't say the latter, his mother would scold him for thinking that he is looking for a culprit.

"It's good that you know you are weak, but let me tell you, this rat as you call him, is a guinea pig who is your sister's new pet, Xiao Ling likes him very much and wants to have him around, besides that he slept with her last night..."

Hearing their mother's calm explanation, the siblings didn't know what to say or what to do, and saw Xiao Ling's puffy cheeks puffed out with a frown, thinking that she's angry with them.

But more, they don't know that she is still scolding the rodent, just like their mother in them.

'Do you know all the mess you made? Why couldn't you just hide until they get tired or come to me, I could protect you at any time, Jin, you're a fool.'

'Chibi Master, don't be like that with me. They started chasing me and I got scared, wanted to escape from them...'

'Don't give me excuses, don't look for someone to blame, you couldn't find any other solution but to destroy the Pavillion?'

'I'm sorry, Chibi Master... I won't do it again.'

'Don't let it happen again!'

Apparently, the ladies of the Long Clan are easy to coax.

The trio, Long Shun, Long Hao, and Jin, felt they could get away with theirs if they admitted their mistakes, but it doesn't end there.

"Your punishments will be to clean all the Courtyards' toilets from this Pavilion to the Loser Pavilion." Madam Long's deep voice gave no room for rebuttal.


Raising their heads to look at their mother, it flabbergasted the Long duo with what she said.

How can a Young Master… Wash toilets? Worse yet, those of all the Courtyards of the Mansion?'

The servants felt it was too much for Long Shun and Long Hao, but helplessly shook their heads.


A defiant cry echoed around the Mansion and its surroundings. Frightening both small animals and birds.

Xiao Ling, who was thinking what other punishment to give Jin, was frightened, opened her eyes wide and her mouth. Her little hands tried to cover her ears.

Before she could do so, a shadow show up out of nowhere in front of her and Madam Long, covering her ears so that the scream would leave her deaf.

How could the uncultivated baby be able to withstand the scream of a partitioner?

But Madam Long closed her eyes and could not see the shadow. Not even the servants could.

No one noticed the shadow, only the little girl could see it... Why?

Curiosity towards the shadow filled her heart, the scream did not affect her in the slightest, but the servants, who are mortal humans, could not contain it and some just fainted, others bled from their ears, unsure if it was serious or not.

When the scream ended, the shadow disappeared, giving the little girl no time to see who the shadow was. Her eyes only saw a blurred shadow. It was as if he or she was hiding his or her appearance while protecting her ears.

Xiao Ling blinked and glanced around to see where the shadow had gone.

But seeing nothing, her disappointment increased.

'That wasn't my imagination... Who could it have been?'

Madam Long became even more annoyed when she heard the duo's cry. We should note that this cry is not that of an ordinary cultivator, because of their ancestry, their physiques, skills, and abilities are the best among their peers. Not to mention their voices.

"Punished without going to the barracks for a month, you dare to shout knowing that Xiao Ling is here, you could cause her-"

But before she could finish, she realized something... As she slowly turned her gaze to her baby, she realized that Xiao Ling is fine.

Her eyelashes flickering, looking at her surroundings, more curious. As if nothing had happened, as if she did not hear the scream.

The Long duo also realized the situation. First worried about their little sister, but after seeing her, they were speechless.

Knowing what comes next, the siblings felt defeated.


And so their punishments began.

Long Shun and Long Hao with their month of confinement and their new task, cried while cleaning the baths. The servants could do nothing but shake their heads and feel sorry for them, but they dared not help them, for fear of angering Madam Long.

Jin makes eyes at Xiao Ling to gain sympathy and get snacks....

When Lord Long found out what happened, he shook his head angrily, clenched his fists and gave them another scolding.

"You should be thankful your mother gave you a punishment inside the Mansion. I would have sent you to clean the barracks toilets."

The Long duo turned pale at the thought of what would become of them if that was their punishment.

'Thank you, Mom!' They cried in their hearts.

'But... I have no salvation... I have to wait for a week before I can eat snacks!!!!' Jin wailed in his heart, not daring to utter his dissatisfaction with his punishment.

'Can... Can ... Can the maids help me with it? They won't understand the chibi Master... Hehe-hehe.'

The evil and foodie rodent praised himself, for his intellect.